I used to think I was a pretty smart fellow. Not a geniusor ... but still, pretty smart. I figured I could makesome money on the Internet in no time. After all, ... has a ... a
I used to think I was a pretty smart fellow. Not a genius
or anything, but still, pretty smart. I figured I could make
some money on the Internet in no time. After all, nearly
everybody has a computer, and everybody buys stuff online,
so I thought I would get in on this and make some money.
Ha! We've all been suckered by that one, haven't we? It's
just not true, and no amount of wishing will make it so.
This is hard work, and anybody who says it isn't, either is
lying, or they're already successful and have forgotten
what's it like!
Oh, the scams I fell for! I wish I had back even 10% of that
money! Well, live and learn. That's right - LEARN. When I
finally realized I didn't know quite as much as I thought I did,
that's when things began to turn around for me.
Not that I'm what anybody would call a "success". If someone
offered me a job for the hours I work, and the money I make,
I would have to turn it down, ya know? I mean, I think it's
below poverty level...real far below. However, I AM making
some money, more each week, and I'm constantly working on
ways to make more.
My point is that none of this happened until I realized that
I didn't know anything. Now I find that I learn something new
EVERY DAY. This is the most fascinating venture I've undertaken,
and it's filled with opportunities!
I read every article I can get my hands on. I buy NUMEROUS
products, books, ebooks, and reports. Some of them I've found
worthwhile and some of them were junk. But now I look at them
differently than I used to. Instead of not even reading them,
and just using them to make money, I read everything! I read
all the time. Sometimes I don't learn anything at all, but
usually I find some nugget of information I can use in even the
worst products!
So, forget everything you thought you knew. You don't know
anything. Now read, think, listen, and learn. You'll start
making some money - I guarantee it.
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