Psychic ability is something that most of us are endowed with but very few explore, understand and accept this in a lifetime.
Psychic ability is something that most of us are endowed with but very few explore, understand and accept. This is not about reading minds or thoughts, it is about being in touch with spirits and emotions and feelings that come from sources which are most always unseen. Many people question the work that psychics do and ponder about the authenticity of psychic readers. To consider that psychics are hard working people who have worked at honing their special skill does not come easy to many of us. The reason for this is the closed upbringing which does not allow us to accept anything that we cannot attest with visible proof.
There is evidence that most of us display some form of psychic ability but very few of us even recognize it and even fewer want to work with it. Social finger pointing is one of the main reasons for psychics to hide or even snuff out their art and attempt to live so called normal lives. However for those who have learnt to handle their skill, being psychic is a way of life. One of the lesser known fields of psychic use is psychic art. Sometimes spirits choose to convey information not through words but through pictures. In this instance we find that the psychic reader becomes able to draw and sketch but it is not the psychic doing the job. It is the spirit using the psychic reader as a medium to pass on some information to their loved ones. This use of art in the field of psychic activity has gained significance as we find that tangible proof of the psychic reader becoming a medium.
Psychic art is the way in which mediums and guides communicate with each other to provide the information that is being sought. Looking at these art pieces, we find that the materials used vary from person to person or spirit to spirit. The created piece of art might be something only few would identify but more often than not, those for whom the picture is intended recognize it instantly. Sometimes psychics are used by spirits to paint portraits that serve as soul guides to their family or friends. The spirit uses the psychic reader as a medium to transfer energy from the spirit world to the real world. This energy is something that will revitalize the lives of their loved ones and maybe provide for some kind of closure.
Psychic art appeals to different people at different levels. What is surprising is the fact that most psychic artists work for absent clients. When a psychic reader sees the art that has developed with information provided by someone many miles away, little do they know of how significant the contribution to making the life of someone better is.
Fair Psychics
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