The three stone diamond engagement rings can be traced as far back as its famous cousin the solitaire diamond engagement ring. The classic three stone designs always have the middle stone larger than the two side ones. The equal size three diamond rings are often called anniversary rings, but there the classification is getting blurred by marketing language and traditional differences and becomes highly inaccurate.
Build your own engagement ring - Is the design really yours?
To build your own ring, as you are often invited on some interactive jewelry sites have nothing to do with taking part in its design. Although it sounds very much like you are part of the creative process it is in fact a facility allowing you to choose diamond that suits better your budget and the setting you want it set in.Designer engagement rings - What`s the difference?
The title “designer” applied to any jewelry piece instigates ideas of high quality, exclusivity and individuality. It is however not properly clarified and sometime by my opinion misused. Marketers have their tools and use them shrewdly wherever possible. If you think of it, the design is the first process of creating jewelry and designer`s efforts (some more successful than other) lay behind every single piece, including the low end mass produced ones. Does that make them designer jewelry?Countless Diamond Rings for Sale - The Downside of Overchoice
The field of diamond engagement rings is one of the most competitive one on the net. The supply is much higher than the demand which calls for diversity and lower prices. One can help but also notice the diversity of prices for similar products, which does not look very reassuring. Above and beyond the price the overdose of diversity itself might bring confusion. If you search the web for “diamond rings for sale “you will get about 750 000 results from Google alone.