What Do You Need to Include in Your Flood Box

Jan 18


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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We don’t need too many things to survive (my kids would be fine with an iPod and a can of Rockstar). For a few dollars, you can have what you need sitting on your shelf or in the trunk of your car, ready to deploy at any minute.

These emergency kits provide you peace of mind.

If you live in hurricane,What Do You Need to Include in Your Flood Box  Articles tornado, flood or earthquake country you should have an emergency kit to get you through at least 24 hours with you at all times. At home, you should have enough emergency supplies for three full days.

Prepare a FLOOD BOX where you could put anything you need if Flood will come

Flood box – what you need to include

Bottled water – do not use tap water, it may be contaminated from flood water.

Food – crisps, chocolate, bread, dried soup, tea and coffee. Flasks of hot water to make hot drinks. Electricity or gas may not be available.

Torches – no candles, as they may be a fire risk. Rechargeable torches or lanterns would give up to 12 hours of light.

Bucket – do not use toilets, block with towels or sandbags to prevent sewage from coming back through into the house. If used with a bin liner a bucket can be used as a toilet.

Rubber gloves and disinfectant wipes – to clean hands and prevent infection.

First aid kit – don’t forget any medicines needed, i.e. inhaler, injections or tablets.

Clothing – warm clothing (as there may not be heating) and a coat or foil blanket in case of evacuation.

Don’t forget pets – food and water may be needed. Keep pets safe.

Whistle – ideal for communicating or attracting attention.

Charge up mobile phones before you lose power.

Useful documents – collect together any Floodline information needed, emergency services information, insurance documents and any contact numbers you may need to get in touch with other family members who are not at home. Store in a plastic bag in the flood box.

Valuables – don’t forget to protect photos and precious items.

Radio – tune into your local radio stations and have a spare set of batteries. Contact with the outside is vital to know what is going on. If the situation is getting worse or improving you need to know.

Chewing gum – helps to keep teeth clean.

Don’t forget babies and young children. Keep a store of nappies, food, bottles and clothes to keep them warm. Don’t forget that favourite toy.

f you know that you live in an area that is liable to flood, Don’t wait until it happens. Prepare, make plans and discuss with your family what you will do and where to go, before a flood happens.

For more advise and tips, check the links below:

floods, flood auckland and flooded

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