In order to make money with ... ... you need to get exposure for those ... One way is to have your own website and drive traffic to that website. Another way is to have your own opt-
In order to make money with affiliate programs, you need to get exposure for those products. One way is to have your own website and drive traffic to that website. Another way is to have your own opt-in list or your own newsletter.
There is another way besides: Write Special eCourses which are sent by autoresponder and Reports which are compiled into a pdf or ebook format. Give these eCourses and ebooks away. This is called viral marketing.
The eCourse or report can't be just something filled with "fluff" and advertising. It must provide real help and information for the reader. Subscribers to any list, whether it be an ezine, ecourse or tips list, are notorious for using that "unsubscribe" link. If you're not providing excellent information they're outta there!
The information product does not have to be that long. Just long enough to give good information and "teaser" to your affiliate products.
And that brings up another point. You don't want to inundate your reader with too many choices. Give him/her one or two good affiliate products and that product will be more likely to get the click.
Write your ecourse "all in one go" and then break it down into logical sections. Each of those sections would because a separate "lesson" and would be on its own autoresponder message.
Keep your autoresponder emails easy to read. Use the same format (60 characters per line) as you would a newsletter. Your reader would not have to scroll back and forth to read your information.
Ecourses provide an excellent advertisement opportunity if they are used correctly. Your job will be to find a good balance between providing enough valuable information and the advertisements for your affiliate product. You will also be providing your readers with the learning materials they need to be successful.
What's Your Handle?
I would say that 85% of all new affiliate marketers pick their affiliate ID without thinking about how it will look to others. They don't seem to realize that it will be seen by thousands of people.Preparation - the Way to Success
I have two ... to ask you. One. How much time do you spend ... your ... ... Two. How much time do you spend ... to market your ... ... of those two questYour Online Business Budget
Have you set up a budget for your online business yet? You do need one, you know. ... for your business will help keep your expenses within reason, and tell you if you are making ...