Affiliate Marketing Without a Website

Jun 5


Peter Ryan H

Peter Ryan H

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"The exciting and promisingly lucrative world of Internet marketing may be seemingly dominated by code writing geniuses, programmers, and the like, but in all reality, is not. Regular Internet users, non-programmer types, and those that are not particularly tech-savvy will find that there exists a space for them as well at the table of online profiteering. While many affiliate marketers employ their web design talents creating landing pages and sites for their advertising and pre-sell efforts, it must be said that this is not the only approach nor the only way to share in affiliate online proceeds..."


The exciting and promisingly lucrative world of Internet marketing may be seemingly dominated by code writing geniuses,Affiliate Marketing Without a Website Articles programmers, and the like, but in all reality, is not. Regular Internet users, non-programmer types, and those that are not particularly tech-savvy will find that there exists a space for them as well at the table of online profiteering. While many affiliate marketers employ their web design talents creating landing pages and sites for their advertising and pre-sell efforts, it must be said that this is not the only approach nor the only way to share in affiliate online proceeds.

Depending on the affiliate merchant or affiliate program that is chosen, an affiliate might be allowed to link directly to the merchant’s site instead of linking to their own website for a pre-sell attempt. With this alternate approach, an affiliate would essentially be able to compose original web content in the form of articles in a personal blog and post a direct affiliate link to the merchant’s site at the end, most probably in the author’s box. By investing some time and effort in perfecting optimization techniques including social bookmarking as well as others, the affiliate would be able to effectively distribute these articles and thus, his or her links throughout the Web. Marketing these articles will achieve the byproduct of marketing the affiliate links attached, allowing for increased viewership and chances of sales for merchant and affiliate alike. Original articles can be posted at various sites across the Internet that will in turn distribute them to other sites, provide the content is informative and well written. This allows for a wider reach to more readers, viewers, and ultimately customers. Another opportunity for sharing and posting your link is online forums where those that would be interested in what you have to say, and hopefully, what product you are selling, gravitate. By posting your affiliate links in these areas, you increase your chances of directing potential customers to the merchant site for more information and purchasing. This is also accomplished without a website and with extremely limited code writing knowledge. Mostly, an affiliate that is posting direct links or articles simply needs to know how to copy and paste the link, not to necessarily understand what the link does or how.

Affiliate marketing effectiveness does increase with the more knowledge an affiliate possesses of techniques and strategies, however, little is needed to make a fair start and an effective beginning.