Affiliate Marketing, You Say You Want to Be What?
One of the most widely promoted answers to new found wealth on the internet is affiliate marketing. When the actual fact of the matter is that only 10...
One of the most widely promoted answers to new found wealth on the internet is affiliate marketing. When the actual fact of the matter is that only 10 percent of affiliates that join up earn more than a hundred dollars a month. Out of those 90 percent that make under a hundred dollars a month,

the affiliate marketer is still setting fine though, because they are set up to always win.
The marketer that is in that 90 percent that is receiving less than one hundred dollars a month, they are the life blood of the marketer. The marketer in this case purposely designs a squeeze page to entrap the gullabe people into believing the dream of "fast easy money." Offering freebies, to offset the cost of a small initial investment seem like a deal you cant beat. However there is that 10 percent that can and do achieve higher income possibilities. But the reason they succeed is, that these marketers know that this is a highly competitive arena and do what it takes to learn and understand the internet marketing techniques it takes to succeed.
The more successful affiliate marketers will will often times offer free websites as a part of their package to internet success. They do keep their word in offering you a free website. Their program will provide an easy access to a domain name,hosting and the installation of said site. On the other hand it is usually a site that is designed to be optimized by the affiliate marketer not by the new affiliate just joining the program. To top everything else off, in most cases, it does not even go through the marketers head whether you understand what you are doing or not. The manual the describes internet marketing techniques, was not offered upon sign up. Even things such as hosting you find out, after getting halfway signed up for the program, that it will be owed by the affiliate. Out of the 100 percent of affiliate marketers, the 10 percent that are doing well have well designed websites made or know how to make them. One of the top things to have to succeed as an affiliate is a good website.
If an affiliate is to earn income from there one page website that has been created for them there is one thing that is very crucial. Customers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Customers only come from traffic on the internet. At this point the novice realizes that there is no small investment and starts thinking about shelling out more money. To go from worse to worse, most free websites have been HTML code optimized for the benefit of the affiliate marketer not the one receiving the page. Most affiliate marketers capitalize on this, for the simple fact that the newbie does not understand the mechanics of websites. Even though the websites control panel is accessible, that is totally meaningless. There is no way to make changes to the website that will be advantageous to them unless the own and know how to operate an HTML code editor. For the newbie this is as good as telling him to build a website, utterly impossible. So what does the newbie affiliate resort to? He a lot of times, resorts to PPC advertising because he heard this was a great way to get traffic. While all the time losing money because he does not know what he is doing. The actual point that I am trying to make, is being an affiliate can be profitable, but you do not just fall into it by accident on a short term basis, sure you will discover something on accident now and again. But it all needs to be tested and tried.
Anyone who wants to become an affiliate and improve their income, first needs to be patient and do plenty of research, homework if you will. Never be sucked in by "pie in the sky" promises of wealth and income. To be an affiliate, you must understand how affiliate marketing works, one does not have to be a webmaster. To do this research there are enumerate amounts of eBooks and sites online to assist you. There are many reputable software products and programs that are designed around helping the newbie affiliate become more productive in his or her endeavors. To have a dream of "doing something to better your life" is a premise that America was founded on. Do not let anyone stop you, or hold you back "it is your dream" not theirs. Just make sure of one thing, that when the wagon pulls into the barn, it did not cost you an arm and a leg to get there.