Foreign website ... who join US-based ... programs are usually paid in US ... checks, drawn on US banks and cashing them through foreign banks often costs a fortune. We can
Foreign website operators who join US-based affiliate programs are usually paid in US dollar-denominated checks, drawn on US banks and cashing them through foreign banks often costs a fortune.
We can often not present these checks to our local banks for payment, simply because the amounts of the checks are too small to cover the high transaction fees charged by the bank.
If you live outside the US, and have ever received a check from an affiliate program, MLM, or any other paid program, you have probably faced the dilemma of whether to present your US$15 check to the bank...when the processing fees costs US$20!
As a result, many people have stacks of such hard earned "small" commission checks worth a small fortune, lying "worthless" in their home drawer...simply because it would cost too much to process them!
Incredibly, even after exhaustive searches on Google and Yahoo, as well as combing MLM and affiliate resources and discussion forums, we simply could not find any good solution to the problem!
The only options available were either to join programs that offered to pay via Paypal(most programs don't), or to join only programs that allowed us to accumulate our earnings to larger amounts before sending the checks.
Unfortunately, even when we did not mind the delays required to accumulate our hard earned commissions, we still could not avoid eventually paying the bank processing fees which often still cost more than half the commissions earned!
A Novel Solution!
Through sheer coincidence, we finally came across an online service that offers a way to cash all our $US commission checks(no matter how small in value), in a way that reduces the processing charges to only 5% of the total check value!
Just take a look at their website and we're sure you'll agree that they have a wonderful (and probably the ONLY viable) solution to protecting our hard earned commissions from the huge processing fees charged by the banks.
A SMALL FAVOUR... In return for sharing this very valuable solution that will protect your affiliate commissions, please help us to promote the development of MLAPs by referring one or more of your friends to our site.
Please Visit:
to save your affiliate checks from crazy bank processig fees.
(Please feel free to to freely reproduce and distribute this article, so long as it is reproduced in full, including the hyperlinks, and no modification is made)
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