Global Abundance Program Review - Honest Money Making Opportunity Or A Scam?
My goal for this short Global Abundance Program report is just to be able to shed a greater light for anyone out there in the marketplace. You will also discover the truth behind the modified 1-up compensation plan model.
At first glance,

the Global Abundance Program seems to be attractive to me as a unique modified 1-Up compensation plan. It is really quite different from most other plans. Here in this review you will learn the pros and cons in the Global Abundance Program plus some other neat truthful facts I've uncovered in doing my research.You could have two responses - "Gee, this is great!" or "Oh man, this definitely isn't for me!". Both are acceptable responses.So, let me be your guide in conducting this review about the global abundance program in a very balanced manner. This means I'll sit on the fence and you'll be the judge. Deal? What is G.A.P. all about?The Global Abundance Program membership level and pay plan offers 5 levels of membership to cater to your every budget. It consists of Bronze - $795 start-up plus $29.90 per month, Silver - $1995 start up only, Gold - $2995 start up only, Platinum - $4995 start up only and Titanium - $12995 start up only.The Pros:1) In the Global Abundance Program unique modified 1up program, your commission is split between you and your up-line for the 1st sale. For 2nd sale, the commission is also split between you and your up-line. At the 3rd sale onwards, you will earn full commission.2) Your marketing website is professionally designed with tons of attractive videos. A plus point on your G.A.P. website is that a prospect can request a call back and the professional business advisors will do all the telemarketing.3) So, members are not kept always at the same level, but can progressively upgrade and grow with the company.The Cons (or red flags!):1) The Global Abundance Program website screams the message "we do all the work for you". Do not forget that it took you quite a huge chunk of your hard earned cash to join into the program. 2) Actually, you'd be well-informed that the real cash flow comes from new members that think a company of closers will build their business for them. If you are a smart marketer, you'll know what I mean.3) It is a 1-Up, a high "buy in" price tag program. Overall, it's still very difficult for me to define where the real value is. It simply a little confusing because their products are something like Forex trading, financial investments and the like. In conclusion, the Global Abundance Program may not really work over the long haul. They're short term profit based deals centered on emotional triggers such as laziness and greed. In my opinion, unless you have no issues in explaining to new prospects; that they need to pass up 1/2 training sales to their up-line (you). Then, Global Abundance Program was made for you. *This article is the property of - you may freely publish it on a website as long as it is not modified in any way. It must include the author bylines; all hyperlinks and URLs must be made or remain active.