Starting a business isn't easy and sometimes, no often, all that happens is that you invest a lot of your own money, maybe even borrowed money, and work all the hours you can only to find you haven't made a profit.
I know this sad fact from personal experience when I started a fast food restaurant that lasted about 18 months.
One of the problems is knowing when to cut and run. The problem with investing a lot into a business is it sometimes blinds you to the reality that you've got a failure. You don't want to give up simply because you'll then lose the money and in the meantime you lose more.
Second time around I got things right. I decided that it's better to start a risk free business and that simply means that you invest the absolute minimum into it until you know that your are on to a winner. That is impossible with a traditional business but is possible with an online business.
An internet business can be started with next to nothing. The only requirement is you time and effort. I don't mean to say that an online business takes any less effort than starting a more conventional business but without the huge financial risk, you do sleep better at night and it is far easier to alter course if you find a more profitable direction.
My second entrepreneurial venture was in internet marketing which is a lot more that just selling some junk on eBay. I find it far more rewarding than owning a fast food franchise and the profits are a lot greater. Internet marketing is not just a way to make some extra cash, although that is welcome, but can be developed into a extremely profitable career. Best of all, you can work from home the hours you chose.
I wouldn't want to give the impression that it's easy. There is quite a lot to learn in order to be successful and the truth is that the know-how of internet marketing is about 95% of the business. Instead of having to invest thousands of dollars in physical equipment as I did with my restaurant, you have to invest time in the learning process.
You could just start and learn as you go along but remember that time is money and the sooner you learn the know-how of internet marketing the quicker your profits will come and the higher they will be.
An online business can be risk free and the rewards can be excellent but for me on of the important bonuses is not having to wash up at the end of the day like I did with the restaurant!
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