You've heard about it everywhere. People becoming successful on the internet. The bad news is that there are 10 times that amount or even more that contradict that. There will be a ton of new marketers hitting the net in the next here, however only a slim few will actually succeed.
So what is it?
To answer that, its like the highlander, “.. there can be only one” answer. TRAFFIC. No traffic. No sale. This solution is not limited to the internet business only, actually any business without traffic would fall under. Ever see a “dead” McDonalds??
But keep in mind, even though you may have a popular product. And you DO have the traffic, NOT EVERYONE will stop in and buy. But, to raise that percentage of buyers, you need many people to come in. the common rule of thumb for any business is that 1% of ANY group, will buy what you have. So, what 1% of 0. duh! I think you get the piture.
How do you get this traffic. Many internet business's generate tens of thousands of hits per day. And of those it is recorded about 10%-15% buy, but that small percentage on a large crowd say 5,000 is a lot of money (say 5,000 people and 10% buy a product at $19.99 thats $9k / DAY!!! At first glance a 500 buyer out of 5,000 doesn't seem much, but look at the numbers. But lets look at the 1% rule. 50 people out of 5000 buying a $19.99 product is still $900/day. Anyone making THAT at their 9-5 job?.).
Many of these people pay for their traffic. Yup, you have to spend a little to make a little. Its all about advertising. The more people know about your program, the bigger the pool you'll have for your 1% buyers. And even though thats common sense, you dont see many people doing it.
While there are many places out there in the internet that can provide traffic for free, its not the quality traffic that you see sites getting like google, and yahoo.
Search engines are free. People use them to find just about anything. Advertisers know this and are wiling to pay big bucks to have their product advertised on a site that has a constant flow of 10's of thousands of people a minute searching. The 1% rule comes in handy here. Because if someone is looking on a book on how to knit, most of the time they'll find what they want on the first search, and if you have a product that will show up on the first page as advertising, 1% MIGHT click on you, instead of their intended link.
When you pay for your advertisment, its like paying for your traffic. At first glance, sounds dumb, however if you use the right strategy and budget what your selling,you could have customers flocking to your site and exceeding what the advertisment cost in the first place.
So pay for your traffic. It will pay for itself.
World of Warcraft Gold Making Scams Revealed
Wouldn't be nice to be able to log on to see you have just THOUSANDS of gold in your bags. Knowing that you can buy virtually anything in the AH, keeping up with the latest equipment, while your friends drool. I would! I'm tired of watching all my buddy brag about the latest pair of blue swords for their rogue or worse, not being able to get my epic mount. God that sucks! I would much rather be out playing in Azeroth somewhere instead of glued to my screen with my mule, juggling the AH.Do Private Servers Hurt the Big MMO's
One would think that if a game is FREE. There really would be no reason to play on a private server, right? WRONG! Find out why many players,regardless if they are paying or not, still seek out the private server community.Do Private Servers Present a Threat to Larger MMO's?
Does Blizzard Entertainment have anything to fear when it comes to the private server community? According to the phenomenally accelerated speed at which they are growing (and rumored profits), it doesnt seem to be an issue.