Starting steps to your business internet money online opportunity to make money online

Sep 23


Rodney Erb

Rodney Erb

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What steps must you take to make your business internet money online opportunity make money online for a purpose filled life? I could think of hundreds but will discuss 5 very basic and initial steps you must take in order to begin. If you are new to this process you need to begin somewhere. If you have been around for several months, then pass these basic steps on to a friend who wants to learn.

What steps must you take to make your business internet money online opportunity make money online for a purpose filled life?   I could think of hundreds but will discuss 5 very basic and initial steps you must take in order to begin.   If you are new to this process you need to begin somewhere.  If you have been around for several months,Starting steps to your business internet money online opportunity to make money online  Articles then pass these basic steps on to a friend who wants to learn.Here are 5 steps you must do to get started.(1)  Take a computer course.Even before you own a computer, you really need to understand what it is.  A computer course will explain the terms operating system (OS) and how to navigate the internet, often referred to as the world wide web (www).  Computers have been around a long time but the past 40 years they have evolved from mainframes through minis to micros and even cell phones are computers to access the internet.  It is worth your time to take a basic course on computers and you will learn a lot about what they do and how they work.(2)  Buy a computer.If you don’t have a computer, then you need to pick up a book and read about them to learn what they do and how they do it and what you need to buy one that works for you.  A book on computers is a good start.  Once you have read this book you will then know what a mouse is, a keyboard, random access memory (RAM), hard disk space and many more acronyms or terms that are part of the computer language.  Before you buy a computer, go to the library or a friend who has one and learn all about that computer.  When you are ready to buy a computer don’t spend a lot of money.(3)  Get an Internet Service Provider or ISP.Once you’ve taken a course and have a computer, you need to get an internet service provider or ISP.  The ISP will be your link from your computer, through your telephone line or cable box or device to connect it to the internet.  Remember that your telephone line is much slower and also less expensive than using your cable service provider or even a DSL (digital subscriber line) provider.  Both these are more expensive but will provide the state-of-the-art speeds.(4) Learn about the internet and specifically affiliate marketing.Learning about the internet is such a generic statement that I added specifically affiliate marketing.  Learning about the internet is about like saying, learn about the encyclopedia Britannica.  There are so many areas of knowledge on the internet; you need to focus on affiliate marketing.  Do a Google search on affiliate marketing and start from there.  You will get a lot of information and still have to choose what area of affiliate marketing.  I recommend article marketing as a start. (5)  Work on your computer daily.This is the most important of the 5 steps.  If you aren’t ready to buy a computer, go to the public library and use theirs for free.  The key is to do it every day so you aren’t intimidated by the movement of the mouse or typing on the keyboard.  Once you get into a comfort zone you will find yourself falling in love with it and your ability to use it will rapidly move forward.If you want the best resource to teach you how to start your business internet money online opportunity to consistently make money online go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint or go to Make Money Online.