With Euraffiliates 2.4 (http://www.euraffiliates.com ) affiliate software a merchant can increase three types of sales. (1) In-house affiliate sales (2) Non-affiliate (SEO, PPC etc) sales & (3) Cumulative sales from 3rd party affiliate networks. But its rivals does only (1) and also partly. See how?
Euraffiliates has just launched its 2.4 release to make the affiliate marketing even easier. It contains some tools that have gone beyond the traditional concept of an affiliate software application.
Though the affiliate marketing industry has evolved over years,
most of the existing affiliate software systems have yet not gone beyond the traditional scope of an affiliate software application. Here are some examples where a traditional affiliate system can't help a merchant but the newly released Euraffiliates 2.4 has solutions a merchant can utilize to maximize both affiliate sales and interestingly also sales from other channels.
Campaigns Tools that Works
Most affiliate software systems cannot go beyond providing some visually attractive online ads which never get published on the website of a serious affiliate. Flash Banners, Page Peels and Light Boxes all really look nice but fail to help in most real cases. Just imagine, whether or not, an affiliate would agree to place a very attractive 3rd party page-peel on his professional website, letting his own website down? Of course, not. What would they prefer then? It must be something natural that can be placed in the relevant article or blog pages or in middle of an article or blog and appear natural, right? An easy intuitive tool which could promote the merchant products to all contacts, with a very little involvement, in just 5 minutes. Euraffiliates tools like quick-any-page links, widgets, data-feeds & refer-a-friend can do just this. Absence of these advanced tools will simply prevent affiliate promotion of merchant's products and services, making a big difference in monthly affiliate sales figures.
Link Anatomy & SEO Benefit:
Many in-house affiliate software systems and all the affiliate networks are still confined to the redirected affiliate linking system. These links go to the destination page cycling through a web page and even worst through a cross domain URL. This may stop SEO sensitive affiliates from linking from their website in the fear of losing credibility with Google. Euraffiliates deep and natural links on the contrary overcome this issues and provide superior solutions.
Merchant - Affiliate Communications:
Merchant-affiliate communication is essential to the success of an affiliate program. One can never expect their affiliates to sell for them if he does not listen to their problems. To achieve this a merchant needs an efficient communications system. Unfortunately, even popular affiliate software vendors do not provide this but Euraffiliates does it.
Non-affiliate (SEO, PPC and other) Sales Tracking:
Affiliate software vendors, so far, and have been silent about tracking non-affiliate sales sources. Most merchants simply cannot afford to setup another software system that can track all the sales & gives a holistic sales picture telling which sale came from where, but it is essential to know for taking the remedial actions. Euraffiliates 2.4 can tell its merchants the source of each and every sale, and gives an in-house sales report depicting a how many sales came from search engines, PPC and other websites. The sales manager can easily take the right decision to increase the sales.
Multiple Affiliate Networks:
Probably, the simplest and most powerful technique to increase sales is taking advantage of multiple affiliate networks and programs. There is no denying the fact that joining an affiliate network will immediately place a merchant in touch of a lot of affiliates. Presence of an ad campaign on multiple affiliate websites routed through different networks will increase the awareness the brand and leads to a significant rise in the conversion ratio. If a product really sells, one may a see radical increase in his sales figures, but there can be associated glitches from running multiple affiliate programs side by side.
The worst byproduct resulting from running multiple affiliate programs is paying multiple commissions for a single sales transaction. Say, a merchant sells a product at $100 and promised 30% commission within a 60 days cookie period at five networks he has joined. There is a chance that a customer will come from two or more networks within 60 days and commissions will be generated for the same sales transaction at all places because each network maintains its own cookie independently. Clearly a merchant can never afford to pay multiple commissions for a single sales transaction, can he?
Euraffiliates 2.4 has the solution. It allows a merchant to integrate multiple networks as well as other paid advertisements including as PPC into a single tracking platform and to only credit the last referrer. It is true the sale was made with a joint effort and the commission goes to the last referral source but no injustice to anyone is done as each channel-affiliate has the equal chance of being the last referrer. In fact a joint referral-effort increases the chance that the visitors will buy from the merchant website, not from his competitor's website and indirectly increases earning opportunities of all the referring affiliates.
Why an In-house Affiliate Program?
There are other reasons why a merchant should setup his own in-house program. Affiliates in an affiliate network are never his. He has little control over them. The moment he leaves a network he loses them. After some time, the cost/ benefit ratio can seem too high and he may have to leave a network and join another. Shouldn't he have something of his own? Just like a shop owner runs his own shop but still joins many trade fairs. He also has very little control over the system. He can never give his network affiliates direct linking or special linking options that they may really appreciate.
And finally:
Ultimately the main reason to choose Euraffiliates is increasing sales by enabling its merchant's products to be sold through other channels. One can compare Euraffiliates system with its rivals at http://www.euraffiliates.com/affiliate-software-comparison.php.
Which Euraffiliates Edition is right for a merchant? One can see it at http://www.euraffiliates.com/features.php
For more information one should contact the Affiliate Solutions Specialist, Lutfal Hoque, at http://www.euraffiliates.com/contact-us.php or visit http://www.euraffiliates.com