Writing Articles for the Bum Marketing Methodology � the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint
Writing great articles for the methodology called Bum Marketing or Affiliate Marketing for online money making businesses is a must to be successful at working on the internet. First, you have to find web sites that provide you the ability to upload your articles. Where do you find these online article submission sites? Which one is the best? A great program to teach you how to sign-up with these resources can be found at the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint (4D-MMB).
You have (1) found great keywords; identified a unique niche market; established your online bank accounts and now are ready to (3) write some awesome online articles in your Bum Marketing quest for online money making businesses. But where do you put the online articles? Where do you submit them? A great program to learn how to sign-up with the right article sites is the 4-Day Money Making Blueprint. The blueprint is a great resource to teach everyone how to be successful to make money on the internet.The steps to learn Bum Marketing are; one,

understanding it; two, finding a niche market; three, creating online bank accounts to receive and get your money; four, writing articles; five, creating web lenses, landing pages and sites; six, getting started. Step four requires you to write articles to tell your consumers about your product or niche market. You will need to follow these steps to write and then place your articles at the appropriate sites for the consumers on the world wide web to buy your products or niche market products you are selling. You will get a commission for the sale. Here’s what you need to do:(1) Sign-up; create accounts at the best article submission sites. This includes EzineArticles, Buzzle.com, ArticleAlley, ArticleDashboard and DropJack to name a few. Go to the URL/Address of each of the online article sites and create an account.(2) Rules; be sure to read and follow the rules of each of the submission sites. If you are unsure or you don’t follow the submission site rules and bylaws you will not get your articles submitted. EzineArticles is very firm on their author submission guidelines and if you fail to follow them you will not get your articles submitted. (3) Write Articles; learn how to write good articles. Be sure to incorporate you keywords, product or niche market. Make your articles interesting and excite your audience. Then be sure to put in the article resource box your links to your landing page, web page or sites to your niche market. (4) Keywords; these are the keys to your success. If you have good ones and embed them in your articles, they will be found in the google search engine and once you are ranked number one, you will be raking in number one money. (5) Grammar; use good grammar. Like Grama said, be sure and use the right grammar. (6) Subject: be sure and select a good and appropriate one. The subject can make or break an article being picked up by users, search engines and web processes.(7) Author Bio: this is all about you. Be sure and write a biography and tell people who you are and why you are a good source of information on the topic of your article.Making money using the Bum Marketing methodology needs you to write articles about the product or niche market you are going to sponsor. EzineArticles, Buzzle.com, ArticleAlley, ArticleDashboard and DropJack are but a few article submission sources you can go to. The 4-Day Money Making Blueprint by David Bocock teaches you in video format exactly how to do this. If you want to learn how to make money internet savvy and build a successful “
Affiliate Marketing” business online go to 4-Day Money Making Blueprint. If you want to try other money making opportunities and “
how make money” techniques go to Quick Ways to Make Money.