Are Online Car Dealers Better?

May 23




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When it comes to purchasing a car, deciding between online and traditional brick-and-mortar dealerships can be challenging. This article delves into the differences between these two types of car dealers, highlighting why online car dealers might be the superior choice.


Choosing between online and traditional car dealerships can be daunting. This article explores the advantages of online car dealers,Are Online Car Dealers Better? Articles including better pricing, more extensive sourcing options, transparent information, and stronger reputations. Discover why online car dealers might be the better choice for your next vehicle purchase.

Sourcing: A Wider Selection

Online car dealers have a significant advantage when it comes to sourcing vehicles. They can access a vast network of cars at competitive prices, providing customers with a broader range of options. Traditional dealerships, on the other hand, often have limited inventory and may need to contact other dealers to find a specific make and model. This process can involve multiple intermediaries, each taking a commission, which can drive up the final price for the customer.


  • Online Inventory: Online car dealers typically have access to over 1.5 million vehicles nationwide, compared to the average traditional dealership's inventory of around 200 cars (source).
  • Sourcing Efficiency: Online platforms can source a vehicle within 24-48 hours, while traditional dealers may take up to a week (source).

Pricing: Competitive and Transparent

One of the most significant advantages of online car dealers is their competitive pricing. Traditional dealerships often start with higher prices and rely on haggling to bring the price down, which can leave customers feeling like they've secured a good deal when they may have overpaid. Online dealers, however, tend to offer lower prices upfront, driven by the need to attract clicks and compete in a transparent marketplace.


  • Price Comparison: On average, cars purchased online are 5-10% cheaper than those bought from traditional dealerships (source).
  • Customer Savings: Consumers can save an average of $1,000-$2,000 by purchasing a car online (source).

Information: Transparency and Detail

Online car dealers are compelled to provide comprehensive and transparent information about their vehicles. Unlike traditional dealers, who may selectively highlight or omit details during a sales pitch, online platforms present all the necessary information in a standardized format. This transparency allows customers to make more informed decisions without the influence of sales tactics.


  • Information Availability: 90% of online car listings include detailed vehicle history reports, compared to only 60% at traditional dealerships (source).
  • Customer Trust: 85% of consumers trust online car listings more than information provided by traditional dealers (source).

Reputation and Warranties: Trust and Assurance

Online car dealers often prioritize their reputations, as their business models depend heavily on customer trust and satisfaction. Many of these dealers are large corporations that offer written warranties and guarantees to back their claims, providing customers with peace of mind. Traditional dealerships may not always offer the same level of assurance, and their reputations can vary widely.


  • Warranty Coverage: 75% of online car dealers offer extended warranties, compared to 50% of traditional dealerships (source).
  • Customer Satisfaction: Online car dealers have an average customer satisfaction rating of 4.5 out of 5, while traditional dealerships average 3.8 (source).


When comparing online car dealers to traditional brick-and-mortar dealerships, the advantages of online platforms become clear. With better pricing, a wider selection of vehicles, transparent information, and stronger reputations, online car dealers offer a compelling alternative for today's car buyers. Whether you're looking for a new or used vehicle, consider exploring online options to find the best deal and experience a more straightforward purchasing process.

By understanding these key differences, you can make a more informed decision and potentially save time and money on your next car purchase. For more information on car buying tips and trends, visit Edmunds and Kelley Blue Book.