Beidou System Accuracy Rivals GPS

May 30


jodie mht

jodie mht

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The Beidou satellite navigation system, developed by China, has achieved a positioning accuracy that rivals the well-established Global Positioning System (GPS). This article delves into the specifics of Beidou's capabilities, its development, and its future prospects in the global navigation market.


The Beidou satellite navigation system,Beidou System Accuracy Rivals GPS Articles developed by China, has achieved a positioning accuracy that rivals the well-established Global Positioning System (GPS). With a positioning accuracy of 10 meters, velocity accuracy of 0.2 meters per second, and timing accuracy of 10 nanoseconds, Beidou is set to provide free worldwide services. This article explores Beidou's capabilities, its development, and its future prospects in the global navigation market.

Beidou's Positioning Accuracy

The Beidou satellite navigation system, also known as BDS, has been designed to provide high-precision positioning services. According to a spokesperson for the Beidou system, the positioning accuracy can be further refined to enhance its performance. Currently, Beidou offers a positioning accuracy of 10 meters, a velocity accuracy of 0.2 meters per second, and a timing accuracy of 10 nanoseconds.

Coverage and Satellite Network

Beidou's satellite network consists of a combination of geosynchronous orbit (GEO) satellites, inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites, and medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites. Specifically, the system includes:

  • 4 GEO satellites
  • 5 IGSO satellites
  • 5 MEO satellites

This configuration allows Beidou to provide comprehensive coverage over China and the Asia-Pacific region, with positioning accuracy that can surpass GPS in these areas.

Global Reach

Beidou's global positioning services are available between 84 degrees east longitude to 160 degrees west longitude, and 55 degrees south latitude to 55 degrees north latitude. This extensive coverage ensures that Beidou can serve a wide range of users across the globe.

Comparison with GPS

The GPS system, developed by the United States, has long been the gold standard in satellite navigation. However, Beidou's recent advancements have positioned it as a formidable competitor. The civil code positioning accuracy of GPS is approximately 10 meters, while its military code accuracy is around 1 meter. Beidou's civil code accuracy matches GPS at 10 meters, and its military code accuracy is expected to be comparable.

Market Share and Challenges

The global satellite navigation market has been dominated by GPS, which holds a market share exceeding 95% (source: This presents a significant challenge for Beidou as it seeks to gain a foothold in the market. Wu, director of the navigation project at China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, acknowledged this challenge in an interview with Science and Technology Daily on March 12, 2012.

Beidou's Development and Future Prospects

As of now, Beidou has deployed nine satellites, covering China and its surrounding areas. By the end of the year, the system aims to expand to a 14-satellite network, completing the construction of the Asia-Pacific regional navigation system and entering formal operation.

Applications and Growth

The Beidou system is expected to see significant growth in business applications during China's "second five-year plan" period. Zhang Jianheng, deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, expressed confidence in Beidou's future prospects, stating that the system's applications will experience rapid growth.

Interesting Statistics

  • As of 2020, Beidou has over 120 million users in China alone (source: China Daily).
  • Beidou's global market share is projected to reach 20% by 2025 (source: Global Times).


The Beidou satellite navigation system has made significant strides in positioning accuracy, rivaling the well-established GPS. With its comprehensive satellite network and global coverage, Beidou is poised to become a major player in the global navigation market. As the system continues to develop and expand, its applications and user base are expected to grow rapidly, solidifying its position as a key competitor to GPS.