If you're serious in purchasing a automobile, you shouldn't splurge your whole budget on the car and its monthly installments. Some of your money will have to go toward maintenance, repairs and other automotive expenses such as insurance, registration fees even more. So what precisely will maintenance and auto repairs cost you? And how much should you project on spending? We have quite a few ideas that you might find beneficial.
It Depends What Sort of Car You Choose
The reality of car maintenance and repairs is that the cost of these things largely depends on the car you pick. So it's difficult to offer a one-size-fits-all number for drivers who are interested to find out exactly how much maintenance and repairs is going to cost.
The biggest reason why these expenses rely so much on the car is that accessories and labor vary depending on the manufacturer. A lot of auto mechanics can work on a Chevy or a Toyota, so labor fees aren't very costly, and since parts for these vehicles are so very common, parts prices aren't very costly either. It's the complete opposite with high-dollar luxury cars, where very few technicians are trained to work on them and parts are in short supply.
Usual Costs
Although rates can differ from car to car, budgeting for regular maintenance isn't very difficult. You will need an oil change every 5,000 to 10,000 miles, based on company suggestions. You'll also have to replace your tires and battery every few years, together with your brake pads, which will need changing even more often. And depending on the car, you might also have to budget for items such as transmission fluid, transfer-case fluid, brake fluid and a lot more.
Before acquiring a automobile, we definitely recommend that you learn what all this repair costs -- and how frequent your automobile demands it -- so you can correctly budget what it'll cost you you to own. We also advise that you have a look at your braking system and tires to determine how quickly you'll have to pay for this work.
Preparing for Emergency Repairs
Even though it's hard to come up with an correct maintenance and repair amount for each automobile, we highly recommend that you you should always keep an emergency fund that's equal to about 5 percent of the value of the vehicle. This will be beneficial in case there's ever a surprise repair.
Car Safety Tips for Women Driving Alone
Women drivers are at risk when driving on their own, especially at night. Women who drive alone, no matter if it's at night or in the day, need to take a few extra precautions. If you drive alone on a regular basis, it's important that you follow these tips for keeping yourself safe.The Three Basic Methods of Car Pinstriping
Car pinstriping is one of the best ways to make your vehicle very unique. Pinstriping has been used commercially since the 1800s, and is a definitive style for the decoration of style. Pinstriping can be as plain or as fancy as your patience and level of skill allows.How Long Will Your Car Last?
The life of a car varies according to several factors, and increasing it is achievable, if proper care is practiced. Understanding the factors that affect its life is beneficial for people who are planning to get a car of their own. Proper knowledge of cars is like putting your money to good use. With that, below are some tips about car life expectancy.