New River Auto Glass Repair vs. Auto Glass Replacement

May 30


Shea Bramer

Shea Bramer

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Deciding Between Auto Glass Repair and Replacement: A Comprehensive Guide


When faced with a damaged windshield,New River Auto Glass Repair vs. Auto Glass Replacement Articles how do you determine whether you need a repair or a full replacement? This guide provides the essential details to help you make an informed decision.

The Importance of Auto Glass

Your vehicle's auto glass is a critical structural component designed for safety. Modern windshields are made of laminated safety glass, which consists of two layers of glass with a layer of vinyl in between. This design ensures that the glass remains intact during a collision. However, if the glass is compromised, it won't offer optimal protection in an accident. Understanding when to opt for a repair versus a replacement is crucial.

Common Types of Auto Glass Damage

A survey conducted across 13 major cities, including Phoenix, AZ, revealed the most common types of windshield damage:

  • Stone Breaks: These are often referred to as "star" or "bullseye" breaks.
  • Edge Cracks: These occur within two inches of the windshield's edge and are not typically caused by stone impacts.
  • Floater Cracks: These are stone breaks that have expanded due to severe temperature changes.

Specifically, in Phoenix, the survey found the following distribution of windshield damage:

  • 236 stone breaks
  • 15 floater cracks
  • 88 edge cracks
  • 12 vehicles with miscellaneous damage

(Source: Auto Glass Safety Council)

When to Opt for Auto Glass Repair

Criteria for Repairable Cracks and Chips

  • Age of the Crack: Cracks less than a month old and not exposed to polluted or dirty environments are more likely to be repairable.
  • Size and Location: Cracks smaller than a dollar bill and chips smaller than a quarter are generally repairable.
  • Cleanliness: Cracks and chips free of impurities are easier to repair.

Situations Requiring Replacement

  • Stress Cracks: These naturally occur due to uneven force distribution and typically start from the edges.
  • Large Damage: Cracks larger than a dollar bill or chips with a center impact hole greater than 3/16 inches.
  • Multiple Cracks: Windshields with three or more long cracks have compromised structural integrity.
  • Impurities: Debris within the crack can impede resin flow, making repair ineffective.

Optimal Conditions for Auto Glass Repair

The best environment for auto glass repair is under shade with a luminescent light bulb overhead and a windshield temperature around 72-74 degrees Fahrenheit. This setting, typically found in a garage, ensures the best results, especially when the damage is new and clean.

Cost and Time Considerations

Many people worry about the cost and time required for auto glass repair or replacement. However, if you have comprehensive auto glass insurance coverage, you shouldn't have to pay out of pocket. The repair process takes only a few minutes, while a full replacement can be completed in about an hour.

SunTec Auto Glass: Your Trusted Partner

SunTec Auto Glass is a family-owned business in Phoenix, serving Maricopa and Pinal counties, including areas like Anthem, New River, Carefree, and Black Canyon City. We are NGA certified professionals specializing in auto glass repair and windshield replacement. Our advanced technology allows us to repair chips or breaks in minutes, adhering to recommended safe drive-away times.

All you need to do is call us or fill out our online form, and we'll handle the rest, including filing the insurance claim. Enjoy our hassle-free auto glass repair appointment process.

For more information on auto glass safety and repair standards, visit the National Windshield Repair Division.


Deciding between auto glass repair and replacement depends on several factors, including the type, size, and location of the damage. Understanding these criteria can help you make an informed decision, ensuring your safety on the road.

Interesting Stats:

  • According to the Auto Glass Safety Council, 30% of all auto insurance claims are related to windshield damage.
  • The average cost of a windshield replacement in the U.S. ranges from $200 to $400, depending on the vehicle make and model.
  • A study by AAA found that driving with a damaged windshield can reduce the effectiveness of airbags by up to 60%.

(Source: AAA)


This article is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of when to opt for auto glass repair versus replacement, ensuring you make the safest and most cost-effective decision.