For those of us who've caught the ... bug" finding a way to justify the purchase of an airplane becomes an all ... mental task. Make this task simple by choosing the ... reasons fr
For those of us who've caught the "aviation bug" finding a way to justify the purchase of an airplane becomes an all consuming mental task. Make this task simple by choosing the appropriate reasons from the list below:
1. The airplane will make money for me.
This one actually works! Learn about leasebacks and/or using your airplane in your business by visiting:
2. My business will benefit from my increased productivity when I fly instead of drive.
Save time and money by flying yourself! You can avoid hours at the security gate and layover time by flying yourself. Most regional trips will be completed in a fraction of the time you'd spend driving or flying commercially. Learn more by clicking the link:
3. The airplane will keep my family together.
Many people find their children off to college and their parents staying in the south. A personal aircraft allows you to stay in contact and maintain the relationships that are so important to you. After all. . . is there anything more important than our relationships with our family and friends?
4. Learning to fly provides a new challenge.
Most of us have dreamed about flying since our childhood. What's preventing us from taking that step? Life's too short to procrastinate!
5. I can vacation every weekend!
No doubt, every weekend can be earmarked for a new destination. Start with you own state, and expand to other states. Visit museums, recreation areas, friends . . . the sky's the limit! Start with this list:
6. I can make an airplane payment instead of an IRS payment!
With minimal business use (30%), your airplane purchase may be a depreciable asset. New tax laws significantly increased the tax benefit to owners. Learn more by downloading a FREE audio TeleClass at:
7. I can enhance my children's educational experience.
Children learn more from an experience rather than sitting in a classroom or reading a book. Trips to Washington D.C., Niagara Falls, Gettysburg, PA, Kitty Hawk are all great reasons to fly the family. Re-live your childhood at the same time.
8. Flying as therapy?
Well, believe it or not, some people fly for its therapeutic benefits. Life's problems seem to disintegrate as altitude increases. Try it next time you're feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges!
9. An airplane is a terrific status symbol.
If status is what you're looking for. . . you can't beat an airplane. Not only are pilots looked up to, but when it's your own airplane. . . "You've arrived!" No one even needs to know that the airplane is generating a positive cash flow.
10. I just WANT one!
Sometimes we just need to satisfy our desires!
"I'm worth it."
"I've worked hard and this is my reward."
"I only live once!"
I know you can add to this list!
Vacation Every Weekend!
What else can you do with your ... The SERIOUS flyer has a plan that includes business AND ... With proper ... you'll purchase the airplane that will do both for you.So how do peopleCan one plane "do it all?"
Probably not, however you can own a plane that will ... most of what you'd like it to do. First you must ask yourself the ... ... How will I be using this ...Airventure 2003. . . WOW!
If you're just getting back from OshKosh, I'm sure you'll agree. . . Great Show! In the seven years that I've made the ... I've still not seen it all! This year, I ... to see parts of th