"10 Top Tips For Reclaiming Your Time"

Jun 6


Jackie Fletcher

Jackie Fletcher

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Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren't enoughhours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facingyou? If you have, this article can help you!


1. Clarify your goals and strategy. Be very clear about youraims and ambitions, both short and long term. Write themdown. Once you know what you really want to achieve (andwhy) it's easier to make decisions about what needs doing,and to plan accordingly.

2. Focus on your top priorities. You'll be more productiveand profitable if you identify and.focus on the areas mostimportant to your business. Work on the fundamentals first.The Latin word 'fundamentum' means foundation - so takeaction, build strong foundations and the rest should follow.

3. Schedule time. Literally write an appointment in yourwork planner (you do have one of those, don't you?) to setaside a realistic block of time for your priority actions.This reduces anxiety over not having enough time and keepsyou focused.

4. Say no! Consider Jim Rohn's suggestion. "Learn how to sayno. Don't let your mouth overload your back." Always checkyour schedule before committing to anything new. Don'tallow others to divert you from your objectives.

5. Create supportive systems. This includes systems forfiling, management information and communication.

6. Take a reality check. Will your current activity have apositive outcome, or are you doing it to avoid somethingelse? Ask yourself - will doing this take me towards mygoal? As Peter F Drucker observed, "There is nothing souseless as doing efficiently that which should not be doneat all."

7. Delegate! It's tempting to do something yourself when youthink you can do it faster and better. But consider the longterm - delegation now will save time in the future, and ifdone appropriately can motivate your staff, boost theirconfidence and help them develop their skills.

8. Repeat your success. Remember the last time you went awayon holiday, and how you got so much done in those few daysbefore you left? What strategies and techniques did youemploy that made you so effective and focused? Can yourepeat them? Alternatively, imagine you are going awaytomorrow and work through today accordingly.

9. Balance your life. Formally schedule personal activitiestoo, so you make time for family, friends, your health andfun because having a balanced life reduces stress andincreases energy levels. Time management is really aboutlife management!

10. End the day. At the end of the working day, tidy yourdesk, make notes about what needs doing tomorrow andprioritise those tasks. You'll worry less that evening andbe prepared and focused the next morning.

And a final thought...

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein."

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