Is it really possible for a total newcomer to succeed in Internet marketing? According to Russell Brunson if you know what to do and you follow a realistic plan you can make a great living selling your own products online. Don't believe him? Read this article and find out how...
If you are considering jumping into the Internet marketing arena to pursue the dream of financial well-being and owning your own business,

but have no idea where to start, you would do well to seek out competent advice on how to go about building a successful Internet marketing business. This review reveals one such plan and advisor.
In this regard, successful Internet businessman and entrepreneur Russell Brunson has designed a program that will take even the greenest of Internet newbies and show them the ropes about how to build a viable Internet business using a time tested business model. There are no pie-in-the-sky promises in the 20 Minute Payday program. And you are not going to become filthy rich over night. If that's what you're looking for, you would do best to find one of the many "scam" programs being marketed currently to the I.M. crowd. And by "scam" I mean a program that teaches outdated and unrealistic material.
What Brunson teaches in 20 Minute Payday is based on sound business principles that have been proven to work over time in any business climate. You start by finding a niche where there is demand for a product. Once you've located a hot niche, you will need to produce a product to sell to that niche. And this is where Russell's advice comes in handy. If you've heard the phrase "the money is in the list," Russell will teach you how to grow your subscriber list, which then becomes the basis for your fledgling Internet business.
He takes the aspiring Internet entrepreneur by the hand and shows him how to find the hot markets where reliable products are in demand. Next he shows you how to create a product for which people will pay you money. And then he shows you exactly what steps to take in marketing that product using the Internet. There is a lot to learn here and a bit of work involved, but the prospective entrepreneur is given a first class education in Internet Marketing 101.
Once you have a product and a proven marketing mechanism set up, Russell shows you how to find and recruit joint venture (JV) partners to assist in selling this product for you. As any successful off-line business person knows, the more agents you have in the field selling your products, the more successful you can become. Just ask Mary Kay, the successful cosmetics direct retailer, or Amway, the successful home products company. What Russell teaches you is how to make these same ideas work for you online.
He shows you many of the tricks of the trade that allow you to expand and grow your online business marketing to any size you wish. The choice is yours alone, how far you wish to take this information. And once you've successfully created one income stream, you can go on to duplicate this process and create another. And another if you so desire. The sky is the limit. Once you learn the fundamentals of marketing online, you will have that skill to profit from for the rest of your life.
There's one thing, though, that you must not be afraid of. And that is: working hard. While there is a lot of work involved in setting up one of these revenue streams, Russell shows you how to take things easy and shorten the time involved by divulging some of his shortcuts to success. You'll learn how to create a salable product in a timely manner by following Russell's product creation shortcuts. And the good thing about this system is: you only have to do the work once. Once you've done the work to set up your sales funnel, you can sit back and watch it operate on auto-pilot.
Through implementing these proven business strategies and tactics, you can literally build and expand your own online financial empire. Take it slow and easy while you complete one task after another in the process of building your income stream; or if you're in a hurry, learn how to outsource those time-consuming tasks that you need to get done while you focus your attention on other aspects of the process in which you excel. All it takes is a desire to succeed and a never-say-die attitude. The rest is provided by the 20 Minute Payday material, which provides you with a realistic blueprint for online business success.