You want your testimonials to be results-based so as to do the selling for you. This article will show you how.
But not just any nice words will do. You want your testimonials to be results-based so as to do the selling for you. Here's what I mean:
1. Use the Before/After TemplateIdeally, your testimonials should tell a very short story about where your client or customer was at before they starting using your product or working with you, and then tells the great results they've gotten since.
For example, one of my clients wrote this testimonial for my 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success System:
"Hi Alicia,I also wanted to chime in about how happy I am with your 21 Steps program.
I have purchased several other marketing programs, and while they all provided good information, none provided the steps, resources and direction I was looking for.
21 Steps provides the exact steps I need to take, and when I need to take them! 21 Steps also provides many of the resources I was looking for - where to post my articles, worksheets, webhosting sites, etc.
Since I purchased your program the traffic to my website has increased dramatically and my subscriber database has already increased by over 10%.
Thank you, Alicia, for finally creating a marketing program that has everything I need - good information, steps, a timeline and resources to complete those steps.
I'm looking forward to learning more from you in your weekly emails and the coaching cafe.
"Kristine McKinley
Here's a template you can use for your own testimonial gathering:
"Before I started (working with Your Name/using Name of Your Product), I was (brief description of challenges/struggles/problem client/customer was having).
After I started (working with Your Name/using Your Product), (brief description of the results client/customer has enjoyed since working with you/using your product)."
Follow this with your client/customer's full name and website address or city and state, if they aren't online.
2. Email the Before/After Template to all your clients and customers asking for their testimonials.
Once you've designed a fill-in-the blank template specific to what you're asking for a testimonial about, send it via email to your clients or customers. Most of them will respond, especially if you make it this easy for them.
In your email, ask for their permission to use their testimonial in your marketing materials. This may seem like a given, but you want to make sure just the same. Also encourage them to include a photo of themselves to use alongside their testimonial for more impact.
And consider giving them a deadline to send it back to you by; otherwise, your request may sit in their inbox, even if they have the best intentions of responding.
3. Say thank you!Make sure that you immediately respond to every testimonial you receive, solicited or not, to express your gratitude for them taking the time to do so, and to tell them what it means to you and your business.
4. Use them!Make sure that as each testimonial comes back to you, you use it! Put it on your website, your brochure, your flyers, or whatever other marketing materials you use to promote your business.
By the way, if you don't have clients or customers yet for a particular product or service, ask for testimonials from anyone you've helped for free, or for a more general testimonial about another product of yours they've used. Testimonials are very important to increasing your credibility, and having one or two - even if they aren't very specific - is better than not having any at all.
Testimonials are one of the best no-cost/high-impact marketing strategies available to you. Use them to help put your prospect's mind at ease, and get more clients and customers for your business.
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