There is a ritual to raising your fees. First, you tell yourself you can't do it. Then you begin to fantasize about what you would do with the extra mon-ney.
There is a ritual to raising your fees.
First, you tell yourself you can't do it. Then you begin to fantasize about what you would do with the extra mon-ney. Finally, you gulp, make your decision and take the plunge.
What can help move you through these phases faster and easier is understanding that there are hidden, guiding principles to raising your fees. Once you know what they are you can move forward powerfully and confidently.
So let's look at five fee-setting principles to help you raise your fees where they SHOULD be (these are even MORE important to learn if you're at all worried about the economy):
Principle #1 Clients Think You're "Hot" When You Charge More
Your clients will be singing that disco song "Hot Stuff" about YOU when you charge more. Why? It's human nature to value what costs more so why not let that be you?
Principle #2 You'll Attract "A" List Clients (And Weed Out The, Well, Weeds)
Focusing your time on your best clients will always yield far more 1ncome than allowing your time to get chewed up with difficult, demanding clients who don't fully appreciate you and the amazing results you deliver. Raising your fees helps weed out the problem people, leaving energetic as well as physical space for you to focus on your "A" list clients!
Principle #3 Your Confidence Will Skyrocket When You Charge More
Every time I raise my fees it requires that I step up into a new level of not only believing more in myself but better yet, believing in what is possible for my clients. The results they then achieve are amazing (and keep getting better and better)!
Sure, it's scary the first time you quote your new fee but it's the kind of scary that is thrilling and exciting because you know that when you grow, your business grows.
Principle #4 You Can Do More For Your Clients
Pampering your clients is just one of the perks of charging more. With a bigger budget you can add the little extra touches that really make you and your service stand out from everyone else's. You might choose to include additional services from other vendors (like I often do in the Platinum programs I offer), purchase surprise gifts or include value-added features your clients will really notice and appreciate.
Principle #5 Charging More Will Change Your Life
Beyond being able to buy more shoes, charging more opens up a sense of confidence in yourself that has to be felt to be believed. It's as if your old habits of self-doubt or fear is blown away like a speck of dust in the wind. What remains in its place is the feeling of inner personal power that can only come when you know you're living the brilliance of who you are.
Remember these principles and you'll quickly move through the ritual of raising your fees with grace, ease and more mo-ney in your bank account!
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