5 Things to Consider Before Sending Parcels Abroad
The tips in this article are going to be incredibly beneficial, whether you are sending on the rare occasion to a friend or family member, or perhaps more regularly as a business.
Are you looking to send parcels abroad? If so,

then there are a few things that you will need to bear in mind! The tips in this article are going to be incredibly beneficial, whether you are sending on the rare occasion to a friend or family member, or perhaps more regularly as a business.Choose a Reputable CompanyThis is perhaps one of the most important tips to bear in mind. Sadly, there are far too many companies out there who will take your money and run. This means that your parcel is highly unlikely to get to its destination on time, and you may even be 'overcharged' for the privilege. Therefore, before you send parcels, you need to carry out research on any company that you intend to use. Once you find a good company, like 'we send parcels', you should absolutely stick with them!Inform the customer of import taxWhen you are sending parcels abroad it is important that you let your customer know of any import tax that they may need to pay when they receive it. Generally it will be whatever the sales tax rate is in the place where the person is receiving the parcel, plus an administration charge. If you are sending from within the European Union to another country within the EU then there will not be any import charges.Pay Insurance'We send parcels' recommend that you purchase insurance on any expensive parcels that you intend to be shipping abroad. Sure, it is highly unlikely that anything is going to happen to your parcel right? Of course it is. Surely it is better to be safe than sorry right? Talk to whoever will be shipping out your parcel to see which insurance services they provide, generally it will never be included as standard, and if it is, it will be a very basic form of insurance which won't cover much of the value!Package the Parcel WellWhat is the best way to ensure that your parcel gets to its destination safely, other than using a reputable company? It is packaging your parcel well of course! This means using anything you possibly can to protect it. Therefore I suggest grabbing hold of some proper packaging supplies as opposed to shoving newspaper in there (which will never protect it!). You will also wish to use a sturdy cardboard box, and make sure you use a lot of tape to ensure that it won't come undone in transit!Tracking or Not?Before sending your parcel abroad with 'we buy parcels' you are going to want to consider as to whether you should purchase tracking for it or not. Yes, it will cost you slightly more money, but you will also know exactly where your parcel is at all times, and if you are sending parcels on behalf of a company then this is of course something incredibly useful to know, especially when those customers come calling.