Finally, a dedicated and systematic approach to ensuringyou're earning an income forever. Find out how, in four logical steps, you will never have money problems again.
In the last four articles in this series, we covered the four basic steps to finding employment. Defining,prospecting, applying and interviewing. In this final article, we giving you 7 quality tips which will helpyou cut valuable time off each step and therefore theentire job hunt process.1. Don't wait till you start looking for a job, before youstart looking. Be up to date with your industry and the conditionsof your employment environment all the time. Makethis part of your job description in every job you hold.It could save you weeks when it comes time to find a job.2. Keep your resume up to dateFind a template or layout that you are comfortable withand maintain it. Update it twice a year at least. It will saveyou the mad scramble to put it together and possibly a lost opportunity because you were unprepared.3. Network Network Network.Keep in touch with all your contacts in the industry. This includes workmates, employers, contacts at employmentagencies, contacts in similar companies etc. You never knowwhat other people will be doing tomorrow, or what opportunitiesthey may have for you.4. Accept interviews even if you are not interested in theopportunity, or not looking for a job.Interviewing is a very specific skill. Keep that skill honed.Keep practising the skill. You don't want to lose "perfect"opportunies because it is your first interview in 5 years andyou need to get your answers back up to scratch. Rememberyou do not have to accept the job.5. Keep a diary of your experiences. Note what you did well with each job opportunity. What worked,what didn't, improvements you could make, elements you canget rid of. Then, when you next go through an employment opportunity situation, revisit your notes, duplicate the good things and improve the bad things. Recognise the process as having a learning curve, and learn.6. If you do not have a job and need one, make job huntingyour full time job.Get out of bed at the same time you would if you were workingin your given field. This will put your time clock in sync with yourinterviewers. Spend the same hours working on your job huntas you would in the job. Be disciplined.7. Keep focusedKnow what you are looking for and have a clear plan for achieving your goal. Do not accept roles that are different to your goals at the start of your job hunt. This could costyou years in your career.This is the final part of a 5 part special report on reducingthe time it takes to get a job. Its not fun running around trying to win that job, this report is full of tips and trickswhich will help you reduce your job hunt time to aminimum.The rest of this report is delivered in incremental articles whichyou can get by subscribing for the FREE newsletter at The entire series of articleswill be sent automatically to you email address. Othertopics covered include: Prospecting for Job Leads; The JobApplication and The Interview Process. So to get your copy of this,entire report, by signing up for this free newsletter at or by sending a blank email tomailto:employedforever@pushbuttonresponder.comTill then, good luck with your huntDamian
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