Enterprises have broadened their CRM tools net to blogs through the CRM blog concept to tap into the blog reach potential and connect with existing an...
Enterprises have broadened their CRM tools net to blogs through the CRM blog concept to tap into the blog reach potential and connect with existing and potential clients on the web.
CRM or customer relationship management is the modern enterprise management’s new secret to business success. This management strategy uses human resources,

technology and software to interact with current and potential customers and manage relations with them. It thus enables the organization to retain and augment sales, capture new markets and garner critical consumer behavior, product preference and market related information.
The Internet boom has evolved concepts like social networking sites, blogs, Internet communities and forums that have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other. Internet blogs have attained unparallel popularity as a platform for reaching out to target audiences. An abbreviation for web log, blogs are web journals that are featured as separate stand-alone websites or as part of a private website or social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook.
The customer relationship management blog takes blogging or the creation, maintenance and updating of blogs to the corporate realm. Businesses have found their earlier CRM tools like customer support hotlines and the web based E CRM tools such as online grievance submission forms inadequate to interact with customers, grant them a good sales experience and build loyalty. This is because many customers do not know how to use these tools, while other find it tedious and time consuming to approach the business. They would rather the enterprise sales personnel reach out to them.
A CRM blog permits the business to post entries and articles relating to its products on the blog. Since the blog can include not only text and hypertext but also images and links to audio or video files or other related blogs or web pages, it becomes a powerful weapon for the business to advertise and market its products and build goodwill too.
Customer relationship management blogs are very flexible; their tone can be conversational, instructive or informative depending on the product and subject matter being discussed. The best aspect of the customer relation building blog is that it is not a monologue; it offers readers the option to comment on the post, offering valuable product preference or business related feed back to a business, which they can use for product development or for future marketing campaigns.
Internet blogs in general attract a vast traffic flow and each blog is capable of keeping the interested target audience hooked; they keep coming back for reading future posts; to allow interested audience to get back to the CRM blog use of the Add This one click widget is widely prevalent. When added to the blog interface it permits the reader to easily choose from a multitude of book marking options. The Delicious social book-marking site, when used in the blog, allows readers tagging options besides book marking facilities.
The personalized dialogue between the business blogger and the customer is informal and builds an instant bonhomie between them; thus, a strong customer business bonding is developed creating customer loyalty. Since blogs display posts in reverse chronological order the most recent product or business information gets its required prominence. At the same time, the customer can always access old posts conveniently according to category through the archives menu.
A blog used for customer relationship management by a business should preferably have the Friend Feed tool for eliminating the need to log in to different applications just to respond to blog comments of customers on diverse networks.
In a business scenario of fierce competition, putting up a CRM blog to build customer relations can be the much-needed lifeline of your business.