if you want to know how to start a business in india , this is step by step guidelines to people who are looking to establish a business in india.
India is continuing to be investment destination for the investors across the world. India’s markets have shown a good returns of above 14% (based on NIFTY index) since inception. There are a few factors that interest investors like, young workforce, easing of FDI regulations, size of Indian market,revised tax policies, robust infrastructure, global competitiveness etc.
A foreign enterprise or an individual can choose to operate in India or invest in India. We have tried to make an attempt to list down all the steps that that a foreign investor should understand and appreciate before an investment is made into India.
A step by step approach for an easy understanding of the statutes, compliance with them and the procedures to be followed have been elucidated
To start and manage a business in India there are 5 steps
Step 1
private limited company registration as per the Companies Act 2013 which is a wholly owned subsidiary company
Step 2
Study of applicability of FDI Guidelines w.r.t proposed business line in particular to the client business. Reporting with the Reserve Bank of India about the Investment into India as per Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999 (FEMA)
Step 3
Obtaining the requisite statutory registrations applicable to the nature of business carried out by the company
Step 4
Monthly compliance review w.r.t filing of Goods & Service Tax returns, TDS returns, Payroll processing and other applicable Indian labour laws.
Quarterly secretarial compliances w.r.t conducting of Board Meetings, Annual General Meetings and maintenance of Minutes, statutory records and registers and maintenance of legal documentation as per the Companies Act 2013.
Step 5
Audit of books of account, Filing of Annual returns with Registrar of Companies (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) & Filing of Income tax returns as per the Income Tax Act 1961
Activities done in different steps
Step 1-Incorporation of a Private Limited Company
For incorporation of company at least one person who is a Resident of India should be a director of your company.
Minimum Requirements:
-Minimum 2 Shareholders
-Minimum 2 Directors
-At least 1 of the Directors shall be an Indian Resident
-The directors and shareholders can be same people
-Minimum Share Capital shall be Rs 100,000 (INR One Lac)
Step 2-Reporting with the Reserve Bank of India about the Foreign Direct Investment into India
Step 3-Obtaining of all the statutory registrations applicable to the nature of business carried out
Step 4- Monthly compliance review w.r.t Accounting, filing of Goods & Service Tax returns, Payroll processing and labour laws applicable
Step 5-Audit of books of account, Filing of Annual returns with ROC & Filing of income tax returns.
The government fees , process and the documentation for the Step- 1 and Step-2 depend on a few factors like
All these steps have been defined in a more detailed manner for an easy understanding of the investors’ or entrepreneurs to understand and make decisions. This will help for the readiness towards investments to be made in India and participate in setting up of business in India.
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