A few things that good salesman really need
'The deal is closed', that is probably favourite sentence for all salesmen. And those who are good in what they are doing hear it quite often. Of course it is not easy to be a good salesman but there are few things that you might do to hear more of 'deal is closed' sentences. So, what does a good salesman really needs?
Confidence and convictionBeing self confident helps almost everywhere,

in every moment of our life. But mostly confidence helps in marketing in its wide meaning. When we are sure of our arguments and thing that we want to sell it's almost like we've already convinced one person – us. Thinking that way makes us more reliable, open and relax. Starting with such attitude makes selling more a kind of recommendation – we are not giving anything in exchange of money but proposing something in which quality we really believe in.Thinking about the clientIt is very important to think about customer needs. One of the worst techniques is trying to sell everything to everyone. You won't gain anything that way. Only by giving good products to a right person you can make the whole process of selling turning around. People will see that you are not trying to cheat them but improve their life. And one good deal is like a well-invested money – it always work for it self and brings more profit than costs. The product willPsychological fitnessUsing your emotions might be a key to success. Sense of humor, good joke at the beginning, saying few complements to your clients, all might lead you to 'deal is closed' sentence. To make it all happen you need to be in a good physical condition, have open mind and have some knowledge about human and psychology. Make in client's mind a positive image of your person and he will be more willing to see and buy your product. Even if he won;t do this at first time but he will remember you positively. Also staying focus, resilient and committed is very important and if you have problems with that don't worry – it is something that you can learn.Positive thinkingIt is connected with the point above. Staying psychologically fit you are more likely to think optimistic about world, yourself, client and the product you are trying to sell. Some things works without words, usually things that can be felt. And you can do amazing things with positive thinking, visualisations. When good energy is coming out of you it is like there is no need to say anything – the good energy will do everything for you.Not afraid to askIf you are not sure that you are doing everything all right all by yourself you can always ask specialists. There are many places where you can go and ask for professional instructions how to improve your skills as a salesman. Even managers on high level of knowledge about sales, people, marketing, who also ended up tones of trainings, like local leadership trainingand negotiation skills training, have their doubts and aren't always sure of their arguments. If the theory is no longer fulfilling your expectations try a sales training that will give you more practise.