A few ways to make money online.
You don't need to publish a website to make money online. If you have your own website and making money I would like to tell you great job. It is a lot of work to have your own product and website to keep up with. The customer service could take you hours a day. All your time should be dedicated to promoting your product or business opportunity.
You don't need to publish a website to make money online. If you have your own website and making money I would like to tell you great job. It is a lot of work to have your own product and website to keep up with. The customer service could take you hours a day. All your time should be dedicated to promoting your product or business opportunity. There are several ways to make money online. A few of them can produce enough money on a monthly basis to live on. You read about it everyday online. I know of one Internet marketer that has produced one million dollars in one hour,

and he has did it more than once. I could live off of that kind of money. My point is there is money to be made online and people are doing it more and more everyday with no end. So back to how to make money without publishing your own website. One of the easiest ways is to become an affiliate with a company like amazon.com. You can find thousands of online businesses that have an affiliate program. Just go to Google and do a search on your niche with the word affiliate for example "Moped affiliate". Signup as affiliate for the company then start directing traffic to the URL the company gave you to promote. When somebody goes threw your URL address and purchases a product you will make a commission. No website to update, No customer service, just drive traffic and make money.You could make a free blog and put google adsense on it. This will create a few dollars but not much unless you have a lot of traffic. Then on your blog you could also put a lot of affiliate products on it. You could also create a newsletter about your niche and add a opt in form on your blog. This is not much work setting up a blog the real work comes when you test your marketing skills online to direct traffic to that blog. You could join a business opportunity that gives you a website to promote. Now you have a website with a product to advertise so you can make some money online. There are free businesses online and there are high-ticket business opportunities online that can make you enough money every month to live on. Just remember this, it takes the same amount of time and effort to promote a low cost business or product, as it does to promote a high-ticket business that will put money in your pocket fast. Whatever route you take to make money online make sure that you do your homework on the business opportunity or product before you signup. The fastest way is on google type in the business name and product with questions. Look for other people’s reviews. You will probably find a few bad reviews on some businesses that are a legitimate online business. Most of this is people that are trying to get prospect to look at their business opportunity. Just make sure you don't find pages of bad reviews. If you do find a lot of bad reviews it probably is safe to say don't join them.The biggest challenge I have learned over the years is driving traffic to your URL address. This can take a lot of time if you do not know how to leverage your advertising so your marketing keeps bringing you traffic. A few simple skills on Internet marketing are all you need and you can find them all day and night at youtube.com or find yourself a good mentor. The best part about a good mentor is that they have organized a system for you to follow so you can make money online a lot faster.