A Plush Bed is Good for Your Health

Jan 17


Lewis Taylor

Lewis Taylor

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This article shall briefly explain why a plush bed is good for your health. It improves your physical mental and emotional health


We have come a long way since the ancient times of long ago when our ancestor’s beds were made up of neatly arranged grass and hay.  In these modern times our beds range from the standard spring mattresses to the most luxurious bed that recline.  Doctors and Health professionals all over the world are waking up to the realization that a comfortable mattress is an important ingredient to the overall health of individuals.  We spend a large amount of time in our lives on our beds sleeping.  It is important that we sleep in comfort.  This article shall briefly explain why a plush bed is good for your health.


Health experts and doctors all over the planet agree that an adult human being requires an average of eight hours of sleep each and every single day.  This means that we spend roughly a third of our lives asleep.  It does not matter whether we sleep during the day or during the night just as long as we fit in the recommended number of hours at rest.  When we sleep our minds get refreshed and rejuvenated.  Sleep plays a sort of housekeeping role in our brains.  Good hormones such as endorphins and dopamine,A Plush Bed is Good for Your Health Articles which get depleted while we are active and awake, are replenished while toxins that accumulate in our brains flushed out.  Gone are the old days when many people assumed that the hardest workings, most diligent and successful members of society are those who go to bed as late as possible and wake up as early as possible.  It is essential to manage your rest schedule in an intelligent manner where adequate hours a reserved for sleep. 


When we continue to function without getting the recommended hours of sleep, we accumulate what is known as a “sleep debt”.  A sleep debt is the difference in the amount of sleep time we should be receiving and the actual amount of sleep we are getting.  For example, if you only get two hours of sleep instead of the recommended eight hours of sleep, you would have accumulated a sleep debt of six hours.  It is not advisable to work and operate while owing a large debt of sleep to your bed.  Doctors and health experts have explained how an individual that has gone for twenty four hours without resting is comparable to an individual who has consumed a large amount of alcohol. 


In conclusion, a plush bed is the perfect partner that will carry you in comfort while you rest.  If you do a quick search online you can find quality beds and all the accessories to ensure great rest.  It is true to say a better you begins with a better restful sleep