The use of edible flowers in cooking is not a new trend. It's been around for centuries and has always been an important part of the culinary arts, but recently it has seen a resurgence in popularity.
Flower chefs such as Alice Waters and Daniel Humm decked out in their best chef aprons and elegant men’s and women’s chef coats, have used them to add flavor and color to their dishes, while top restaurants are often cited for utilizing these flowers in innovative ways that push their creative boundaries.
What exactly are edible flowers? According to experts in the culinary field (in their fancy waist aprons) edible flowers come from any plant that can be consumed either raw or cooked and they include lavender, rosemary, sunflower blossoms, calendula blossoms (pot marigold) pea pods (pisum sativum), violets, pansies and nasturtiums to name a few.
Are edible flowers good for you?
Adding edible flowers to your cooking can be a fun way to experiment with new flavors and spices. Not only do they add visual interest to your dishes, but many of them also offer health benefits such as antioxidants and vitamins. Some people say that adding certain flowers (such as lavender) can also help to improve the taste of a dish.
What dishes can you make with edible flowers?
You can add flowers to salads, rice, pasta and soup dishes. They can also be used as toppings on desserts or in drinks such as cocktails or teas. For example, rose petals are often used in Middle Eastern cuisine to flavor tea, while nasturtiums have a peppery flavor that makes them a popular addition to salads. They are also the ideal ingredient for garnishing.
Special edible flowers that re used by chefs and their specific flavor profiles.
Edible flowers have been around since ancient times; they were not only used for decoration but also had many health benefits when it came to cooking savory meals. Different cultures use different types of edible blooms depending on their customs and geographical location.
Not only do edible flowers add a beautiful touch to food presentations, but they also offer some health benefits. Many flowers are high in antioxidants, which can help protect the body against disease. Additionally, many flowers are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. So next time you are looking for a way to jazz up your dish, consider using some delicious and nutritious edible flowers.
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