Adjusting Quality Metrics Framework to Keep Valuable Employees
An effective adjustment of your company’s quality metrics framework should help greatly if your employees are missing company targets for quality.
One noticeable behavior from employees in a company is their decline of performance. It quickly shows in the scorecards companies use to check,
monitor, and to assist employee performance. You might ask why some employees decline in terms of performance. Well, there are many factors like, family issues, personal issues, or emergencies that can prevent employees from performing according to what the company has specified. Quality metrics framework serves as your backbone for the quality you put in either your services or products. This is also where workers who are poorly performing are referred to for a “re-alignment” of their lost quality and performance.Setting up this type of framework for quality is not easy. You will need data from past and present quality report performances from employees. After gathering this information, analyzing, and formulating the most suitable quality metrics to replace the old one takes time, this would then involve prediction of future performances. A lot of mess for a single adjustment, if you would notice.If you are thinking of replacing your tenured worker and hiring someone new, then an analysis of the quality metrics will not be necessary. You practically save yourself a lot of hassle. Just hire a new candidate for the position, then orient him or her about the company including your quality metrics, then you are good to go. And then you hope for the best that this new employee will know what he or she is doing or else. You just let go of a tenured employee who was just having an isolated case of not being able to deliver.However, if it is not in your plans to retrench or lay off employees, then you go for making changes in your quality metrics. This is a solution for the employee or employees concerned to be able to catch up again. You can decrease some components for the employee to reach, and then slowly, you raise the bar until the employee is able to hit the normal target again.Easier said than done for the actual process takes a lot longer, too, because the employee could be unable to respond or deliver right away if certain personal problems are still proving to be distractive. And since personal affairs are very restrictive and limited, the company can only do so much in giving the employee as many opportunities it can give to have the employee performing well again.The good thing about keeping your old employee over hiring a new one is that the former has experience. Experience is a commodity one will not ever trade over something else. And although, getting a new worker is a more convenient path than guiding an employee back to how he or she used to perform, it is way too risky and you risk putting yourself behind competitors.Although, it is a hassle to formulate a quality metrics framework, the moment you finalize the framework, and the moment it worked on the employees you specifically targeted it to, future occurrences will no longer be a hassle. This early, you are already able to devise a quality framework that worked.