The typical home can benefit from an alarm system which warns of fire, carbon monoxide, and burglar entry.
From simple fire alarms which can be installed by the average home owner to a sophisticated burglar alarm system which requires the installation expertise of a technician,

these safety measures have become very common in individual homes as well as professional businesses.
Fire Protection
An operating fire alarm system is a requirement for every building that will be occupied by people at one time or another. Home owners can purchase battery-powered alarms at their local hardware store. These are effective for detecting and warning any individuals in the home of smoke. One should be installed on each floor of the home. These home fire alarms require the home owner to call the fire department from a cell phone or a neighbor's home.
Fire protection can also be provided by home security systems. If your alarms are monitored by an agency, the device will trigger a warning on the computer system at the company. An agent will then contact you to see if everything is all right. If you don't answer, they will automatically contact your local fire department and the police. This is a wonderful benefit for those who may have limited mobility, for those who are out of the house during the day, or for those who travel frequently.
Carbon Monoxide Protection
Carbon monoxide can cause drastic medical problems and even death. An individual who begins to experience carbon monoxide poisoning may first notice mild nausea, headaches, or some shortness of breath - also common symptoms of flu or other illnesses. However, as carbon monoxide levels continue to rise, these symptoms will worsen and death may be the ultimate result.
A carbon monoxide alarm system can literally save lives when utilized properly. They are essential for homes which utilize fuel-burning appliances, such as gas furnaces or gas stoves. If families begin experiencing recurring flu-like symptoms while at home that seem to improve out of doors, the carbon monoxide levels within your home should be checked.
Carbon monoxide alarms can be found at your local hardware store, or they can be installed in addition to most security systems.
Burglar Protection
Many individuals opt to protect their home and possessions with a burglar alarm system. These systems are available in two different forms. The most common is the monitored option. When a burglar enters your home, they may or may not hear an audible warning, but an indicator pops up at the agency. The local police are then called, and arrive on the scene to catch the burglar and to ensure the safety of the home's occupants.
Other systems utilize loud noises only, with no automatic call to the police. These systems employ the same bells, chimes, warning messages, or screeches that a monitored option may include. Even if the occupants of the home are gone, the noise is sure to attract the attention of neighbors or passersby who will hopefully contact the police.
A home alarm system is a great extra protection measure against a variety of hazards, from chemicals which can cause significant health problems to unwanted visitors with less than desirable intentions.