An Introduction to Burglary, Fire and Luxury Safes
Basing on the performance and the specific tool resistant nature, you get different ratings in the market.The number indicates the temperature in Fahrenheit that the model can withstand at a humidity of 85%.
The use of safes in your house and office can be for different purposes. Are you aware that depending on the type of usage different models are manufactured in the market? Well,

did you notice that the safe you use for storing your valuable is a little different from the one used for storing clothes? Well, if you have not noticed this difference the here is a quick look into the different models found in the market today that have been designed for various purposes.
The most important three types of safes are burglar, fire and luxury safes. Here is quick look into the three types.
Burglary Resistent
These are designed to keep its contents safe from any types of forced entry as used by burglars and thieves. Main types of tools used by burglar to break into your closet or safe include cutting torches, chemicals and explosives. These safes are designed to resist each of these types of attacks. Burglary safes can be differentiated into further different types. Basing on construction, the types of materials used and the thickness of parts of the model, B, C, and B/C rated safes are available in the market. Basing on the performance and the specific tool resistant nature, you get different ratings in the market. Ideally, you need to consider the types of assets you are going to store while deciding which rating you would go for.
Fire Resistent
Fire safes can withstand high temperatures as would be in the case of a fire. They are also rated keeping in mind the duration of time and the temperature that a particular make can withstand. Thus, you find fire resistant models of three main ratings viz, Class 350, Class 150, and Class 125. The number indicates the temperature in Fahrenheit that the model can withstand at a humidity of 85%.
Luxury Safes
These are designed for moderate pressure withstanding and have high market demand owing to the large variety of designs available in the market. Although used mainly for show purpose, these are suitable modeled to withstand force entry and fire situations.
The only way you could store your valuable is by using suitable safes. Make sure you use the right safe for the right purpose. For example, magnetic tape, optical media and paper documents must be stored in class 150 fire resistant models. When using luxury safes, Queens residents can place them in corners and use them to store jewelry, rare stones, documents and electronic media.