Are you wondering if you should trust or purchase Ann Sieg's products or not? Have you heard things about her and they just seem too good to be true? Well read on as I give it to you straight about Ann Sieg and tell you in my own words whether she is or isn't a sham.
Ann Sieg is many of things. She is first and foremost a woman,

a mother, not sure if she is a wife or not, a network marketer, a author, but in no way shape or form is she a sham. I follow a handful of folks in this network marketing business, and Ann Sieg is one of those persons that I follow. I believe that she is one of the top persons to follow in their footsteps, because she has guidance from some of the best of the best such as Jim Rohn, and has uses teaching from icons such as Napolean Hill. One of her favorite quotes come from Robert Kiyosaki ("Rich Dad, Poor Dad") which says " Don't do anything for the money you will make, but for the skills you will learn."
I believe that by Ann Sieg following that motto of life says alot about her character, and proves her not to be a sham. There are tons of things one could make a boatload of money off of, but if you are cheating people, and can't hold your head up high, is it worth it? Ann Sieg has tons of success stories and testimonials all attesting to Ann Sieg's character and all explain how much she has helped them grow as a person and their business to thrive. That's a great feeling to have at the end of your day to know that you have helped someone and have them thank you for it.
One of Ann Sieg's primary teachings is that when you are growing your MLM business, or any business for that matter, educating people allows you to become the hunted, rather than you being the hunted. Does that sound like the words from a person who's primary objective is to swindle you? No, its providing true value, establishing you as the expert, gaining trust from the prospect and giving that prospect the choice of wanting to work with you. Its not cramming or shoving yourself down someones throat with your opportunity.
What really turned me onto Ann Sieg is the ebook she wrote titled "7 Great Lies of Network Marketing," where she spoke of the seven key phrases we hear from traditional network marketers all the time as to why the business isn't growing or why you aren't making it happen dispite your efforts.
They are:
1.) Everyone is your prospect.
2.) This really isn't sales, we're just sharing our products with people.
3.) Anyone can do this.
4.) We'll build your business for you.
5.) We have the best product ever.
6.) You just don't have enough belief.
7.) The proven system.
I don't care where you are from, nor where you are at, if you have tried network marketing at some point and time, I guarantee that you have heard at least one or two of these. And again I ask you, does this sound like a person trying to swindle you? Or does this sound like a woman with true knowledge and value?
Anyone claiming that Ann Sieg is a sham, must not know of her, couldn't, nor could they have read or listened to any of her books. Only one listen to what she is saying, one would know that she is speaking truth and value.