App Store Optimization And SEO

Jun 18


Freak Blogger

Freak Blogger

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iTunes is no different search portal for iPhone and iPad apps, no dought this portal follows some basic algorithms of search like keywords and beneficially they are on their simplest as they are not complicated like Google, Yahoo or Bing etc.

Since the launch of Search engines people have gone through lots of search algorithms launched these search engine,App Store Optimization And SEO Articles in fact their intention was always to make search user-friendly, to do so merchants or the people who have their business on the web world need to design their product or web page according to these search algorithm but, Keyword has emerged as a common cause in all these algorithm for the search.iTunes is no different search portal for iPhone and iPad apps, no dought this portal follows some basic algorithms of search like keywords and beneficially they are on their  simplest as they are not complicated like Google, Yahoo or Bing etc.As a matter of fact when a customer is looking for a mobile app he will directly hit app store for search, with the help of few keywords he will try find relevant app but question arises what apps he is going to see… is it one best apps or highly rated and downloaded app actually he is going to according to keyword present in app name and it’s description… that doesn’t mean you should not concentrate on mobile app marketing strategies app store optimization is part of marketing milestone.Step #1: Catch the basics of SEOI have been into SEO for more that 2 years and what I learned about this almost everything revolving around keywords and it’s concentration on the page. App description page on iTunes is itself a page to optimize… it would be easy of a put an example let say you are searching some game and you use a keyword “Extreme games” check out the resultStep #­2: Learn to Love KeywordsAs you can see in the above result most of apps which shows up had this "Extreme" phrase in their app name and another result where i used "Travel" shows same kind of result as I discussed above. Now it's time to understand how to use these fundamental concepts in your app name go to Google keyword tool find out keywords related to your app and analyze the search volume or you can find similar apps in the app-store and pull out relevant keyword from that app.After collecting the keywords now its time show you the places where they must be applicable, as you know iTunes works on relevancy using keywords which shows on Title or App name, Summary or Description and Tags.Step #3: Give Descriptive Name for your AppIn the above result you may have found that the apps which have searched the keyword in their names but there are other apps too which doesn’t have search phrase in their App name, so why did they show up?  That’s because of description or tags yes other that app name description and “tags” play an important role for increasing the search relevancy. Let me show you…I am going to take an example of “Apple Life I” GameMy search was based on two phrase keyword “Extreme Games” even though “Extreme” word was not present in the app name or description still it shows up because of other phrase “Games” which was present in the app description the developer has used games four times in the first two paragraph as a result it increases the concentration of relevancy to my search term, others put keywords in Keyword tags.Step #4 What else you can do ?After searching lots of top or best apps and analyzing similar apps you can consider their success in you through app description though this would be an optional way to approach but what I feel is if I have a great game similar to “Etreme Skater” or “iStunt 2” I wouldn’t hesitate to put them in my app description in a way like “For the fans or gamers of [Name of successful app] we present you [your app name]” this if any one searches for the successful app will also come across to your app too as your app will enlist in the user search result.If you liked this post, Subscribe or follow here for periodic updates on similar stuff! For more information or advice you are free to contact me at Contact Us.What ever steps I have mentioned above is not only helpful  in app store optimization but it will also help in search engine optimization too, in a nut shell treat your app page as a static webpage and follow the strategy of SEO for static web page. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid other marketing activities which you were performing earlier. Keep doing that and follow these steps too as they will act as boost to your sales effort for the app.