Paying a little up-front money for a residential real estate appraisal can mean the difference between a good deal and a bad one. Learn what an appraisal offers, and why you want to come out of pocket to pay for it. Hidden neighborhood conditions or other not so obvious factors can quickly sour an investment.
ONE Real Estate Today OF THE BEST WAYS TO BUY Commercial!
The first week of September 2012, the US Federal Reserve announced one of the most radical central banking decisions in recent history. The third round of quantitative easing also known as the money printing experiment immediately opened the flood gates to $40 Billion per monthor $480 Billion per year to be used by the big bankers to purchase mortgage backed securities.Commercial real estate make your money when you buy!
As Vice President of Business Development I meet and speak with Investors, Wealth Managers and other industryprofessionals around the U.S. and abroad. It’s my job to identify investor trends to help us stay ahead of market conditions; where they invest, what they invest in and more specifically who they invest with and why.At a recent mastermind session we discussed the strategy and importanceThe Fed & InFlaTIon; explore your options
I met with a very affluent international investor a few years ago that owns about 28 hotelsaround the world. We were talking about a few of the projects we were working on at the moment (Which HE LOVED the NUMBERS!!!) and he was very impressed with our tactic.What I found most interesting was his confession later in our conversationthat he too used this same tactic to purchase his last 9 hotels