A "people friendly" environment reduces stress, decreases turnover, and supports higher levels of performance with employees. Organizations today are addressing the "people friendly" environment with additional programs that support work-life balance. And..that is great.
Copyright (c) 2008 Pat Brill
A "people friendly" environment reduces stress, decreases turnover, and supports higher levels of performance with employees. Organizations today are addressing the "people friendly" environment with additional programs that support work-life balance. And..that is great.
It's a good idea to ask yourself if you are a "people friendly" manager. Managers have good intentions and try their best to support their staff, yet it can be easier to manage the business vs. managing employees.
My focus in is to stop you long enough to reflect on your interactions with your staff...when you are managing your employees, how do you treat them.
What does a "people friendly" manager look like?
-Treats all employees with respect - no matter what level an employee is at in their department, they always try to do their best in this area. Yes, mistakes happen, but the core value of "respect" is intertwined with all of their interactions.
-Sensitive to work-life balance - even in the busiest of times employees have pressing needs outside of the work environment. A "people friendly" manager gets this and focuses on solutions that work for both employee and the department.
-Communication - They are open with their employees and engage them in the process of building a better department.
-Training - insure all employees know how to do their job.
-Trust - encourages employees to take suitable control over their deliverables. Gives them room to make decisions on "how" the work is done. When an employee develops a sense of "ownership" for their work, the manager has hit the "jackpot."
You are probably thinking that with all the work you have to do, it's difficult to spend a lot of time with employees. Like exercising your body, once you make it a priority to do it, you exercise regularly. It's because you have decided to focus your attention and energy on taking care of your body. Well, the same holds for focusing on your employees.
A "people friendly" manager lets go of the need to control everything an employee does. Instead, they replace control with the desire to "always do their best" to support their employees. The manager doesn't expect to be "perfect," rather "always does their best" at any given time is their intention. Their best may change given the day, yet the value that their employees are important doesn't.
Take a few minutes to mull over the question "are you a "people friendly" manager? The well-being of an employee should be par with the well-being of the bottom line. A manager that understands this will create a successful department and will live with a lot less stress...create your own well-being.
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