Are Your Employees Enjoying Their Work?
When you hire someone to work for your business, what sort of factors do you like to consider? It seems to me that many of us will make the mistake of concentrating purely on work experience and whether an individual appears to have the right skills for the job.
Although such considerations would appear to make a lot of sense,

the danger here is that we fail to think about the individual as a whole. In effect, we may be guilty of only looking at a small part of what a person has to offer. This can lead to problems in the future, many of which would have been relatively simple to identify at an earlier stage.
This should not, however, be seen as an issue that only applies at the time of recruitment. It's certainly true that interviews can sometimes be rather hurried and that there's a real risk that you won't spend enough time thinking about a decision. The risk here is that you make a bad choice, to the overall detriment of the business.
But that interview stage is at an early phase of the process. What happens when an individual starts to work for you? Again, there's a temptation here to see the management role as being all about monitoring and ensuring that someone is doing the right quality or amount of work.
Looking at this a little more closely, it's easy to see that this is really only scratching the surface. It may be more interesting to think about what's required in order to get productive outcomes from an individual. How should this process begin? It appears to me that communications have an absolutely critical role to play.
The failure to communicate, or the failure to communicate in the right manner, can lead to an array of issues. This is clearly something that you will be looking to avoid. So how can you go about ensuring that you don't fall into this trap? It certainly seems to me that you'll want to hold regular conversations with employees and that you should encourage them to express themselves fully.
There is a danger here that conversations can be stilted, but this is something that you should strive to avoid. Creative dialogue will be to the benefit of you, the employee and to the business as a whole. You need to create a situation where all staff members are happy to talk openly about the challenges that they are facing.
It's only by doing so that you can be confident that you have employees who are happy and are also committed to the business. Unhappy employees will tend to be far less productive, meaning that there's a serious issue here for the business. By managing people correctly, you'll find that you get better results.