Thomas R. Cutler, Associate Editor of Industrial Connection magazine ( is the leading North American manufacturing journalist, writing for more than 200 publications per year. Cutler recently announced an important addition for the July and August 2005 issues of Industrial Connection.
With a fast approaching deadline of June 1, 2005, Cutler is going to provide four free advertorial profiles to manufacturers located in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. These one page Manufacturer profiles will include a JPG photograph, and information about their product line being offered to the readers of Industrial Connection.
Industrial Connection is the only Manufacturing dedicated publication covering the Southeastern United States, with emphasis in Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina. Cutler added that, “We are going to generate a series of articles about quality, and manufacturing process improvement from Six Sigma to Lean Manufacturing Certification, Electronic Kanban to Job Scheduling. Any feature article about a Southeast U.S. manufacturer that demonstrates continued process improvement is eligible for the four complimentary advertorial issues.
The free coverage will run in September – December 2005, after the initial two issues are run in the July and August issues.”
Circulation of the publication is 15,000 and distribution is free of charge. Cutler writes for hundreds of other publications each year ( and will consider further profiles based on participation in the Industrial Connection program. Cutler also serves as the spokesperson for the ETO (Engineer-to-Order) Institute (
Contact InfoIndustrial Connection Thomas Cutler e-mail protected from spam bots 888-902-0300
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