One of the easiest ways to make gold in Wow is through the Auction House. When I started out playing this game more than 3 years ago, I was insanely poor just like all low levels.
I couldn't afford anything I wanted; I never even used a potion until after level 40. This is why I made this Auction House Guide for Beginners.
I always knew that gold could be made through the Auction House,

it's simple, everyone knows to buy low and sell high. Problem was, as a new, it was very hard for me to gauge which item to buy at which prices. It was more of a gamble than anything else, I never knew if I was going to profit from the items I bought or not.
What I did to save time was I made a level 1 alt who basically sat in Storm wind. Before and after every play session, I would logon to this alt and spend around 5 minutes checking out the Auction House. My alt started with 50 silvers, as my main leveled higher, my alt's gold count increased. For more detail go to: level 40, I was able to purchase my normal mount right away and still have 30-40 gold left.
Most of my purchases from the Auction House were not weapons or armors. I avoided them because they usually have a large deposit fee, so if you don't sell the item the first auction, you just lost gold. Enchanting mats were ideal for this process as they don't have any deposit fee, funny at the time I didn't even know what these things were, I just knew I could make a fortune off of them.
Later, I found out about add-ons like Auctioneer which actually sorts out the items that are potentially profitable. Aside from the occasional UI glitch, this add-on is a total lifesaver.
I made tons of mistakes my first play through; I bought many items that never sold. What would have helped me immensely would be some sort of guide that I could follow. I looked everywhere for the official one, but there wasn't any. I didn't want to purchase any unofficial e-guides because I thought all of them were trying to scam my money.
Now after over three years of experience, I realized what a big misconception that was. There are definitely many guides out there that are scams, for more help visit to But there are a few gems out there. If you think about it, there's a reason why there isn't any paper published official Wow guides, Wow changes too often, it is impossible to keep up with the game through a paper published guide.
The biggest advantage of a good e-guide are the frequently updates, because it is in the form of an ebook, it is much more cost efficient to publish and therefore update.
About The Author: Jim Warp is a Wow enthusiast; he is constantly looking for new and more efficient ways to do things in-game. He is also an active raider and generous contributor to his guild.
He is the founder of Wow Dotcom and he has reviewed popular Wow Gold Guides on the market. For a limited time, receive a FREE Level 1 - 70 War craft Power leveling Guide.