When you are getting started in an internet Home Based Business it is best to start some place where you are earning while you learn. The very first and most important thing to learn is to always think of you as a marketer. Always be thinking how to put your best foot forward for your business. Online auction portals or marketplaces like Ebay and DubLi are an excellent place to get good training because:
1. It's free to set up an account to get started. Now, there are not very many places you can get into a business for zero $ start up funding.
2. With Dubli there are no nominal fees that will be charged to set up your listings, only a small fee when you sell. And, you are guided every step of the way to get the listings set up correctly. You even have hints along the way suggesting how to make the listings better.
3. Help are provided to walk you through the entire process of getting started. Many helpful hints are included so that you begin to have creative ideas of what you can do, from opening an account to collecting your payment to delivery of product.
4. Free tools are available for you to use -- allowing you to focus on getting a business started. Someone else has done the research and testing, putting together a system to make your business run efficiently. Everything you need for a business to flow step by step without a missed step is provided.
5. You will get a very large amount of traffic to benefit from. This gets the most exposure of your products in front of massive daily traffic.
6. To make it very easy and guarantee that you get paid, it's fast and free to set up a PayPal account. This is a secure method that can be used by most DubLi and eBay bidders who will come daily to check out what's offered in the categories of their interests and buying habits.
7. Because a lot of traffic will come to online auction portals and marketplaces like DubLi each and every day it makes them the perfect places to do preliminary research. Because the majority of DubLi and eBay traffic will be frequent customers the buying trends give some measure of target markets. If you are not sure what products to build your business around, an online auction place like DubLi will be a good place to start.
With a potential of billions page viewers per month, you will want to start out small and work up your momentum. Learn by doing. On DubLi and eBay you will discover hungry target markets demonstrating buying sprees that you can cash in on to make money. It is better than wasting $$$ building a website around a product and finding there is no market ready to buy it.
Find a few things around your house that you can part with but have value on the auction market. And who knows really what that is? See, this is part of the learning curve...being able to recognize, identify and promote your business in a targeted Market.
Use the tools available at eBay and DubLi to do the research needed to know what people are searching for every day. Follow the tutorials to learn how to tweak your listings and sales materials.
If your strong desire is to start a Home Based Business and you have the attitude to stand firm to a successful ending... GO NOW! Open your account and get started! There's not a better day than today to start.