Shipping Your Pet Into Brazil
Learn the rules and regulations regarding how to ship pets to Brazil
Bringing your pets into Brazil is not an easy task. There may be different requirements depending on the animal you bring into Brazil. Most people have dogs,

cats or ferrets as pets although there have been cases where other types of pets, such as birds and fish were shipped into the country. The Brazilian government has very extensive import rules and regulations regarding pets. This is intended to protect the animals in Brazil against infections and illnesses from imported animals. You need to prepare the documentation ahead of time and ensure your pet is given all the required vaccinations at least 30 days before being imported into Brazil. A microchip may have to be installed in the pet for identification purposes. The microchip should comply with ISO Standard 11784 or 11785. If it is a different type of microchip, you will need to have the scanner attached to the pet’s cage.
You must secure a certificate of rabies vaccination from an accredited veterinarian at least 30 days before entering Brazil. The certificate must specifically state that the vaccination is good for at least one year. A clean bill of health may also be required from the veterinarian. You will also need an international health certificate (IHS) which can be obtained from the US Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS), and must be completely filled up and signed by a veterinarian accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. After that, the form must be signed off by the USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services Office. The certificates should state there has been no infection outbreak of any type in the area where you live for the past 40 days before leaving the U.S. It should also indicate that the animal was checked within ten days before its departure, and there are no known health issues regarding the animal.
Plan your schedules well since the international health certificate (IHS) is good for only ten days, after which you will have to undergo the procedures again. The form has to be authenticated (legalized) by the Brazilian Consulate Office. Provide the Consulate Office with a self-addressed stamped envelope if you expect them to return the authenticated certificate to you by mail.
Check on the carrier’s rules and restrictions regarding the animal. Cages might need a prescribed size and proper labeling. Check if there are additional requirements regarding the animal in the stopover countries on the way to Brazil. You don’t want your pet quarantined in the stopover countries since it will take more time before they can be released and shipped to Brazil. Bring pet food to last a few days until you can settle down and find the appropriate supplies at the pet shops.