Make sure that you follow tips in order to prevent from being ripped off by poster printing company
Some people can get intimidated by the whole process to print posters. Most are afraid that the poster printing company might rip them off by introducing expensive printing quotations that are not really called for.
If you are one of these people,
then worry no more. I will share with you my strategies to avoid getting ripped off when I print posters. Here are the five major tricks that you should know.
1. Ask for and explore printing options
First, do not ever be afraid to ask and explore your options. Some poster printing companies may “politely forget” some cheaper printing options and give you the high quality but very expensive ones instead. You will need to ask them directly if there are cheaper alternatives to your poster options. If you are assertive enough and inquisitive enough you should discover that, you can print some good quality posters for a very affordable price. So ask and ask until you know everything that you need to know.
2. Never settle immediately
In addition, for others out there, it is a good practice to never settle immediately for a printing quotation. This is especially true if you see special “printing packages”. These special promotions may look cheap and affordable, but if you look at them thoroughly you can see that you can in fact still print posters for less if you choose your options yourself. So do not be dazzled quickly by the first offer. Always seek to adjust, ask and negotiate until you cannot adjust no more. This should protect you from impulse buying (or impulse printing) tendencies to get that better deal with the poster printing company.
3. Research and compare
Of course, as a standard practice that you should not forget, always try to research and compare the entire poster printing companies that you may want to hire. Every single poster printer will always say that they have the cheapest prices and the best quality, but a little research and comparison should let you in on the truth about their prices. Therefore, to avoid being drawn in with their sales talk, always be objective and gather the raw data that can give you the real cheapest deal and best quality prints. The effort will be well worth it.
4. Confirm for hidden charges
Now, before finalizing your printing order, always make sure to ask if there are other charges. Some printing firms again may “politely forget” to tell you that there are some taxes, service fees and delivery fees that are not included in your poster printing quotation. You may initially have agreed to a great poster printing price, but as you get the bill in your credit card, you may then discover that they charged you with several miscellaneous and hidden charges that you did not account for. So demand your right to know and confirm what other hidden charges you may expect.
5. Look for guarantees
Lastly, do not forget to look for guarantees. When printing firms advertise guarantees for quality prints and affordable prices this can become legally binding in itself. If they do not deliver what they advertise, then that is false advertising and it can easily be considered a case. Therefore, when printers have guarantees it can be a well-respected sign of faith in their products. That is why if possible only approach poster printing companies with guarantees.
Great! Those are the tricks that you may want to do to protect yourself from extraneous expenses in poster printing. You now should be able to handle those poster printing companies accordingly. So keep your thinking cap on and good luck!