Avoiding Common Office Move Issues
Does it sometimes feel like you are struggling to see why people get so worked up about the idea of carrying out an office move? If you really struggle to see what all the fuss is about, then the chances are that you've never been tasked with managing one of these operations.
Let's be blunt about the situation and suggest that they frequently tend to go wrong. In fact,

there's very little that ever seems to go right. The problem is that so many people are interested in what's going to happen and many different people will specify their own needs. A good example of this will be staff members.
What do employees want to get from an office move? There is no single answer to this question that's right for everyone here. What you need to remember is that each individual will have their own requirements. Some may actually be concerned about issues of geography. In other words, the main worry may be about whether the commute to work will change and the parking situation.
If you are the business owner, then you may not have considered such issues. Indeed, there may be an element of feeling that these problems simply aren't important. It is, however, a mistake to start thinking in this way. If you don't take the time to engage with such concerns, then there's a chance that things will go wrong.
This also highlights the importance of communicating effectively at all stages of the process. It can be said that a failure to communicate is often at the heart of many of the problems that are faced. Is this, however, a view that should be seen as being too simplistic? That's something that may not be easy to see.
Why is it that people don't pay more attention to communicating? It seems to me that this is often about the fact that not enough time is being allowed for the overall task. Indeed, this can be seen as being a symptom of the fact that no real resource is applied to the task of organising an office move.
Is this actually something that should be seen as being a worry? Do you really need to make sure that someone is assigned with the task and the time to manage the office move? There can be absolutely no doubt that the failure to take things seriously is likely to lead to problems. If you want to keep things on track, then it's absolutely critical that there should be some sort of assignment of management tasks.
The message here should be fairly clear. Moving office is a very serious task, which demands a similarly serious response. If you're not happy to consider this as being a business critical project, then the reality is that you are increasing the chances of things going wrong. This is a problem that you should be looking to avoid.