Benefits of trade mark registration in India

Sep 1


Ankit Jain1

Ankit Jain1

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Advantages and benefits of trademark registration in India can be mentioned as one of the most intellectual property protection program and as in case you aren’t provided with the same you solely rely upon common lawrights in that geographical area. But this is not all. as there are many more which can be listed in our list


As you can make out from the heading itself this particular discussion of ours is all related to how having a trade markcan help us or benefit us in various different manners. But before we move on to advantages, it’s important we check out what does the term ‘trademark’ actually means.

According to what has been mentioned in papers ‘trade mark is a phrase,Benefits of trade mark registration in India Articles a word, a design or a combination of all which is uses to identify and distinguish one vender of goods and services from the another’s’. But sometimes peopleget confused between trade mark and a patent, thence this is to clarify that trade mark is very much different from the patent. While copyright and patent are used to protect original artistic, literary work or inventions, trade markdose no such thing; on the other hand there is no legal requirement of a trade mark but then again there are various different advantages to have one.

Advantages and benefits of trademark registration in India can be mentioned as one of the most intellectual property protection program and as in case you aren’t provided with the same you solely rely upon common lawrights in that geographical area. But this is not all. as there are many more which can be listed in our list.

Exclusivity is what you get – this point can be mentioned as one of the main reason one should opt for trademark registration in India,  as  you’ll clear one of the primary steps in protecting your brand right. In short, trademarkregistration would help you in preventing the use of similar or matching marks related to your goods and services.

Helps in increasing your business reputation – promotion can be mentioned as one of the most important step if you are in your own business and if same is done on primary level than nothing can be mentioned well than the same. And in such situation’s trademark registration with the help of various chartered accountants in India can be described as basic step towards promotion.

Nationwide priority – this point can be easily mentioned as one of the most important advantage, as according to this when you go for a trademark you are provided with the nationwide ownership of the same.

Although the points which can be listed in the list of advantages are not over but we are definitely in shortage of space thence we have to rest our conversation here itself. But you don’t worry at all as soon we’ll be back with few more facts related to the same and rules related to Service Tax Delhi.