These online programs make it easier to keep up with payroll. The work is done automatically and kept up to date with little effort on your part. Here are the best.
Intuit is the leader in payroll management. Using intuit gives customers two options: managing payroll yourself with software/online or letting Intuit do it for you online. QuickBooks, the software version, added a payroll feature that is easy to use. Intuit Online Payroll, the online version of QuickBooks, can manage payroll as easy as the software version. They manage features like workers comp, health debit cards and 401k. Assisted and Full Service payroll lets Intuit do the hard work for you but a bit on the pricey side. Intuit guarantees 100% accuracy and free expert support.
The other leader in payroll is Peachtree. Like Intuit this program comes in software and online versions. Some of the things Peachtree can do is payroll calculation, creates a W2 form and deliver it, makes automatic print and sign tax forms and will integrate with other payroll software. This will make sure that checks are prepared to print to pay employees and keep up with the latest tax laws. An optional Peachtree add on is direct deposit.
Paychex provides an online payroll solution for both small and large businesses. This service comes with programs like health insurance, retirement plans and tax payments to assist with managing payroll. The program also helps sort out the 401K and workers compensation. All of the features range from simple to complex. It will happily convert information to other payroll programs like QuickBooks and Peachtree. It's a bit on the expensive side but with the integrated features it's worth the price
Small businesses know SurePayroll. Like Paychex the price swings on the expensive side but with good reason. It is an easy online payroll program with a user-friendly interface. There is a one click button to use the last payroll information if nothing has changed saving you from typing it in over and over again. Payroll is processed in minutes with free direct deposit. The program stands out from the crowd with their live customer service. It will convert information into other payroll programs. It will even fill out and file taxes for you. If anything is wrong SurePayroll will stand by your side.
With these amazing programs there's no need to do payroll the manual way again.
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