BF Homes Real Estate
BF Homes Real Estate, is a Philippine-based Information Technology Solutions and Real Estate Brokerage company, founded by Melissa Magpale - Oostendorp, a PRC Licensed Real Estate Broker (#11977) and International Realtor. We specialize in handling residential and commercial properties within BF Homes and nearby areas.
If you hire us to market your property,

we will use various means of finding you a buyer or lessee such as posting to real estate websites,street signs, classified ads, broker network meetings and Facebook groups with prior approval from the owners.We will facilitate the viewing of your properties and coordinate with you on the scheduling.If there are any offers, we will also assist the buyer in the formal offer and drafting of legal documents.We will also advise you and the buyer of the amount of taxes payable.The seller usually pays for the capital gains tax, broker's fees and the buyer pays for notarial and transfer expenses but rest assured,everything is still negotiable.We can also suggest an ideal asking price or monthly rent for your property. However, we highly recommend that you consider getting an official appraisal report from a licensed real estate appraiser.If we represent you as the buyer, for a reasonable fee we will also assist in the title transfer of your newly purchased property and obtaining legal documents necessary for the transfer.
Steps in Leasing or Selling your Property
1. Prepare and secure all the applicable legal documents. For property owners who will not be present for signing of the Deed of Sale or Lease Contract you would need to prepare a Special Power of Attorney to authorize someone to sign on your behalf. This document should be duly notarized if signed in the Philippines or authenticated by your local consulate if you signed abroad. Married property owners must make sure that both spouses sign the documents. If any of the owners in the title is deceased, please let us know so we can assist you in the process of transferring to the heirs.
2. A buyer will always prefer a property that is not tied up with obligations. Check if your Real Property Taxes, and association dues are paid. If your property is mortgaged then let us know immediately.
3. Sign an Authority to Sell / Lease to formalize our commission and marketing agreement.
4. Please let us know your availability for showing the property.