The biggest mistake I see new home business owners make is jumping in with boundless enthusiasm and absolutely no life jacket. It is great to be excited about a new business or business opportunity, even to share it with everyone you meet. But it is absolutely crazy to quit your day job because you've found the network marketing dream that is going to net you millions.
The truth is that in network marketing, many people never even make back their initial investment. Why? Because it is hard to sell your dream to someone else and most of us can't really relate to the dreams of others. While we all share similar goals, more money, happy, healthy family, living a good life, and feeling a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, we each have dreams that are ours and ours alone. I cannot give you my dream and you probably would not take it if I could. I do not necessarily want your dream either, network marketing companies, however, are built on people's dreams and promises.
I am not saying that network marketing is bad or that you cannot make a lot of money doing it. I am saying that the average Joe rarely makes a dime doing it because he gets a few doors slammed in his face and gives up because no one wants what he has to sell. The truth is that if he does not know how to sell it, he probably could not have given it away. Don't be a victim of boundless enthusiasm. Learn the product, talk to people who are successful in that company and others, find out what it took and seriously consider whether or not you are willing to do what it takes.
Network marketing requires a special mentality. If you have that state of mind you will be the only thing that stops you from making money. I can guarantee however, that the vast majority of those that start a network marketing business aren't financially prepared to quit their day jobs for at least two years after beginning their business. So, don't quit your day job until you have your feet on solid ground. Be enthusiastic, but be realistic and most importantly be prepared to work hard and invest serious time and money in the growth of your business. I do not care what anyone says about building your business for free, it can't be done. While you might be able to start a business for free, there will come a point where you will have to invest money in your business in order to make money from it. My final piece of advice is for you to be patient with your business. Whether it will happen or not is entirely up to you, but I can pretty much guarantee it will not happen over night. It takes time to build a successful business. Most brick and mortar businesses suffer a loss at the very minimum for the first year of operation. And many suffer losses for 2-3 years before turning the corner. Keep that in mind as you build your business. Your investment now is in your businesses future, whether it is time, money, blood, sweat, or tears.
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