Can Medical Factoring Help your Cash Flow?
Learn if medical factoring can help your growing healthcare business or medical office.
Most healthcare businesses have to wait between 15 to 150 days to get claims paid by private insurance,

Medicare/Medicaid and HMOs. Although most payments are made in 15 to 45 days, a simple change in billing codes or a request for additional documentation can add weeks or months to the expected payment date of a medical claim.
However, if you own a healthcare practice, DME or testing center you have expenses that must be paid like clockwork. Payroll needs to be met. Rent needs to be paid. Equipment must be bought. Not surprisingly, all these expenses have one common element – you either pay them or you go out of business.
This leaves you with two possible options. Either you must have a cash reserve sitting at the bank or you need to get financing to cover the wait.
Many healthcare businesses try to get a loan or a line of credit. Although they can work reasonably well, they have one serious drawback. They have limits. And once you reach them, you are usually out of luck if you need additional financing.
The best alternative is to factor your medical receivables with medical factoring. Medical factoring provides you with financing based on your insurance claims, eliminating the wait and providing you with funds to operate your business. And opposed to traditional financing, you have no set limits. You can factor as many insurance claims as you can generate. It’s really a tool for growth.
Factoring is easy to implement and incorporate into your business. Here is how it works.
1. You send your claims to the insurance company and to the factor
2. The factor advances you up to 85% of your expected net collections
3. 15% is not advanced and is used as a reserve to handle charge backs
4. You get immediate use of the funds while the factoring company waits
5. When the claim is paid, the transaction is settled
Since factoring relies on the insurance company’s payment habits and financial strength, it can be a great tool for new and growing businesses that may not qualify for – or have exhausted – their bank options.